Issue 61

A. Kostina et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 61 (2022) 1-19; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.61.01

into the freezing front induced by cryogenic suction. The water migration together with the mechanical impact of the frozen zone leads to a volumetric shrinkage of the soil. Since a temperature gradient in the sample decreases in the process of freezing, the length of this stage increases. The third stage corresponds to unfrozen soil. At this stage the porosity is also reduced by water migration to the freezing front.





(e) (f) Figure 2: Simulation results of the Mizoguchi`s test. Computed porosity distributions in partially frozen samples corresponding to 12 (a), 24 (c), 50 (e) hours of the freezing (left); White line corresponds to the freezing front position. Computed (solid line) and experimental (points) porosity profiles along the middle line in the sample for 12 (b), 24 (d), 50 (f) hours of the freezing (right). The sizes of computational domain are in meters [m].


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