Issue 61

P. Costa et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 61 (2022) 108-118; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.61.07

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damage index

t d c d

damages in traction with values between [0,1] damages in compression with values between [0,1]

 0 

tensor of total strains strain related to 0  tensor of plastic strains plastic strains in traction

pl 


t 

c pl 

plastic strains in compression


elastic strains in traction

t 

c pl 

elastic strains in compression

0 E c E el E

initial elasticity modulus

elasticity modulus

damaged elastic stiffness compressive strength

cm f

f G

fracture energy

0  0 t  0 c 

maximum compressive stress

maxim traction stress and its respective elasticity limit

limit of elasticity for uniaxial compression

, c u  maxim compressive stress


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