PSI - Issue 59

Victor Aulin et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 428–435 Victor Aulin et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the general characteristic of the regularity of the relationship between wear intensity parameter s І, contact electrical resistance during friction R and the type of dissipative secondary structures (DSS); DSS I – dissipative secondary structures of the first type, DSS ІІ - dissipative secondary structures of the second type, Р – specific load, V – sliding speed, С – oil and external environment, М – detail materials. The influence of load modes (P, V) tribo-coupling of samples and details on the nature of changes in contact electrical resistance parameters over time is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the nature of changes in contact electrical resistance parameters R at time Т from the power para meters of th e load P, V tribo conjugation of samples. а - run-in modes (transient processes); b – modes of normal friction and wear; c - volumetric destruction . Р – specific load; V – sliding speed; R ini – the initial (preliminary) value of the contact electrical resistance of the tribocoupler of the samples; R st – stable (optimal) value of contact electrical resistance with data P, V; δR – the magnitude of the drop R ini (safety margin of dissipative secondary structures); ΔR = R st - R ini - at transitioning to the mode of normal friction and wear; ΔТ – the time of the triboconjugation of the samples to a stable value of the contact electrical resistance; - scattering ranges. The obtained data prove that the parameters δR, ΔR and ΔТ characterize stabilization sta ges (R st ) processes of formation, transformation and destruction of dissipative secondary structures. In the ranges of normal friction and wear, the maximum and stable value of the contact electrical resistance of tribocouplers R corresponds to the minimu m and stable value of the amount of wear І.

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