PSI - Issue 59

M.G. Shulzhenko et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 337–343 M.G. Shulzhenko et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000



(2.31 kPa), sixth blade (2.3 kPa), eleventh blade (1.98 kPa), and seventeenth blade (2.26 kPa) stand out due to significant stress values. It should be noted that among the blades analyzed, the thirty-ninth blade, located to the right of the damaged blade, exhibits the highest maximum equivalent stresses. This is true both in the absence of kinematic excitation (2.21 kPa) and when considering its effect (2.409 kPa). On the other hand, to the left of the damaged blade, the third blade stands out, with maximum equivalent stresses close to 2.12 kPa without kinematic excitation and 2.31 kPa when kinematic excitation is taken into account. The minimum values of the maximum stresses in the lower third of the blades without kinematic excitation are observed in the thirtieth blade to the right of the damaged one (0.02 kPa), indicating the presence of a nodal radius in the system. Additionally, small stresses are also observed in the eighth (0.057 kPa) and twenty-seventh (0.06 kPa) blades to the right of the damaged blade. When considering kinematic excitation, the eighth blade (0.11 kPa) to the right of the damaged one, as well as the twenty-fourth (0.107 kPa), thirty-sixth (0.12 kPa), and thirty-eighth (0.10 kPa) blades to the left of the damaged one exhibit the lowest stress values.



Fig. 3. The distribution diagram of the maximum equivalent stresses on the blades of the bladed disk to the left ( a ) and to the right ( b ) of the damaged blade: the damaged blade is 0.

When considering the kinematic excitation, the maximum equivalent stresses in sixty out of ninety-two blades increase. The blades that experience the greatest increase in maximum stresses in the lower third of the blades to the right of the damaged one are as follows: the sixth blade shows a 104% increase, the twenty-fifth blade shows a 247% increase, the twenty-seventh blade shows a 455% increase, and the thirtieth blade shows a significant 1385% increase. Similarly, in the blade to the left of the damaged one, the maximum stress increases by 194% in the

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