PSI - Issue 59

Alfiy Alfatarizqi et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 420 – 427 A. Alfatarizqi et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2024) 000 – 000





Fig. 4. Buckling Pressure Combine Loading Result Abaqus FE (a) Model 1, (b) Model 2.

Acknowledgements This work is part of the research scope of basic design for an offshore wind turbine platform with a capacity of 5 MW for electrification of a 3T area which conducted by Research Center for Hydrodynamic Technology (BRIN) in collaboration with the Department of Naval Architecture Universitas Diponegoro. Reference Cerik, B. C., 2015. Ultimate strength of locally damaged steel stiffened cylinders under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures 95, 138 – 151. Ebert, K., 20 23, March 9. An enormous wind turbine collapsed in January in Dodge County. Here’s what we know nearly two months later. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Gantes, C. J., Koulatsou, K. G., & Chondrogiannis, K. A., 2023. Alternative ring flange models for buckling verification of tubular steel wind turbine towers via advanced numerical analyses and comparison to code provisions. Structures 47, 1366 – 1382. Ifayefunmi, O., 2016. Buckling behavior of axially compressed cylindrical shells: Comparison of theoretical and experimental data. Thin-Walled Structures 98, 558 – 564. Li, S., & Kim, D. K., 2022. Ultimate strength characteristics of unstiffened cylindrical shell in axial compression. Ocean Engineering 243. Maali, M., Bilen, M. B., Şimşek, M., & Firouzsalari, S. E. , 2023. Buckling response of externally pressurised sealed and retrofitted steel cylindrical shells. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 202. Muttaqie, T., Hyun Park, S., Min Sohn, J., Cho, S. R., Sik Nho, I., Han, S., Lee, P. S., & Sik Cho, Y., 2020. Experimental investigations on the implosion characteristics of thin cylindrical aluminium-alloy tubes. International Journal of Solids and Structures 200 – 201, 64 – 82. Nezamolmolki, D., & Shooshtari, A., 2016. Investigation of nonlinear dynamic behavior of lattice structure wind turbines. Renewable Energy 97, 33 – 46. Ruskin, B., 2016, August 23. Cape Breton wind turbine collapse investigated in Nova Scotia. CBC News. Saputra, M. (2016). Kajian Literatur Sudu Turbin Angin Untuk Skala Kecepatan Angin Rendah. Jurnal Mekanova 2, 74 – 83. Wang, B., Yang, M., Zeng, D., Hao, P., Li, G., Liu, Y., & Tian, K., 2021. Post-buckling behavior of stiffened cylindrical shell and experimental validation under non-uniform external pressure and axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures 161. Zhang, J., Zhu, Z., Wang, F., Zhao, X., & Zhu, Y., 2021. Buckling behaviour of double-layer and single-layer stainless steel cylinders under external pressure. Thin-Walled Structures 161.

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