PSI - Issue 59

Volodymyr Dovbenko et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 702–709 Volodymyr Dovbenko et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000





Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of concrete ×600: ( a) controlled; (b) reinforced with a polymer composition.

The structure of impregnated concrete ensures the production of particularly dense concrete, as a result of which its strength increases several times, and, accordingly, its durability and resistance to corrosion. The polymer composition undergoes shrinkage during the hardening process. The polymer, hardening in the pores and capillaries of concrete, forms a mesh that reinforces it. As a result, the concrete structure is strengthened. The surface hydrophobic coating and the mineral solid phase look like varnished under the microscope. The solid polymer composition creates such a surface coating that is impervious to liquids. It should be noted that the depth of penetration of the composition is 2000 - 2500 microns. A hydrophobic protective coating with a thickness of 300 - 500 microns was formed on the surface of impregnated concrete during the polymerization process. 4. Conclusions The change in the structure and properties of concrete impregnated with the polymer composition “Silor” was analyzed. The peculiarities of the porous structure of concrete reinforced with a polymer composition and the depth of penetration of the polymer were studied using electron microscopy. A change in the characteristics of strength and deformability of concrete was determined. The compressive strength of concrete increased by 9 ... 20%, the initial modulus of elasticity increased by 27 ... 37%, the relative deformations decreased by 10 ... 25% and the tensile strength of concrete increased by 30%. References Babych, V., Dovbenko, V., Kuzmych, L., Dovbenko, T., 2017. Estimation of flexures of the reinforced concrete elements according to the National Ukrainian & European standards. MATEC Web of Conferences 116, 02005. Babych, Y, Filipchuk, S, Karavan, V., Sobczak-Piastka, J., 2019. Research of basic mechanical and deformative properties of high-strength fast hardening concretes. AIP Conference Proceedings 2077, 020003. Borysiuk, O., Karavan, V., Sobczak-Piastka, J., 2019. Calculation of the normal section strength, rigidity and crack resistance of beams, strengthened by carbon-fiber materials. AIP Conference Proceedings 2077, 020008. Bosak, A., Matushkin, D., Dubovyk, V., Homon, S., Kulakovskyi, L., 2021. Determination of the concepts of building a solar power forecasting model. Scientific Horizons 24(10), 9-16 . DBN B.1.2-14-2018, 2018. Zahalni pryntsypy zabezpechennia nadiinosti ta konstruktyvnoi bezpeky budivel i sporud [General principles of ensuring the reliability and structural safety of buildings and structures]. Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, Kyiv, pp. 30. DSTU B V.2.6-156:2010, 2011. Betonni ta zalizobetonni konstruktsii z vazhkoho betonu. Pravyla proektuvannia [Concrete and reinforced concrete structures made of heavy concrete. Design rules]. Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine, Kyiv, pp. 123. EN 1992-1-1, 2004. Dvorkin, L., Bordiuzhenko, O., Zhitkovsky, V., Gomon, S., Homon, S., 2021. Mechanical properties and design of concrete with hybrid steel basalt fiber. E3S Web of Conferences 264, 02030. EN 1992-1-1, 2004. Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. CEN, Brussels, pp. 225.

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