PSI - Issue 59

Volodymyr Dovbenko et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 702–709 Volodymyr Dovbenko et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



3. Research results and discussion Cubes and prisms of all series were tested under a one-time, short-term load regime until failure. The general view of the destruction of the prism is shown in Fig. 3a,b.



Fig. 3. General view of the destruction of prisms by central compression: (a) controlled; (b) reinforced.

The average cubic strength of the control concrete for the samples of the first series was fc, cube = 19.9 МPа, prism strength was fc, prism = 17.8 МPа. The average strength values of the reinforced concrete for cube samples and prism samples were fc, cube = 23.2 МPа and fc, prism = 21.5 МPа, respectively. Reinforcement with the composition increased the cube strength of concrete by 16.7% and by 20.9% – prism strength. For the second series, the test results of three samples showed strength for cubes f c, cube = 30.2 М P а and for prisms – f c, prism = 27.8 М P а . According to the results of testing the prisms for axial compression, the maximum concrete deformati ons were ε c = 178. 4 × 10 -5 . The average strength of reinforced concrete of the same series for cubes and prisms were f c, cube = 34.8 and f c, prism = 30.9 М p а , respectively. Relative deformations of reinforced prism concrete under axial compression at σ c = f c, prism were ε c = 166. 1 × 10 -5 . Reinforcement of cubes and prisms with a polymer composition of the second series increased cube and prism strength by 14.2 and 12.0%, respectively. For the third series of samples with one - time loading of control concrete - f c, cube = 31. 3 МPа, f c, prism = 23. 6 МPа, E c = 21.7 GPа, ε c = 213.9×10 - 5 and reinforced concrete - f c, cube = 35. 9 МPа, f c, prism = 25. 8 МПа, E c = 33.0 GPа, ε c = 192.4×10 - 5 . Reinforcement of concrete samples of this series increased prism strength by 8.6%. The diagram of the deformation of the concrete during a single load of the first series of prisms is shown in Fig. 4.

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