PSI - Issue 59

Volodymyr Dovbenko et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 702–709 Volodymyr Dovbenko et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



1. Introduction Materials of different origins and their corresponding structures have their own unique physical and mechanical properties (Romashko (2021), Homon et al. (2023). Imbirovych et al. (2023); Sobczak-Piastka et al. (2020)). In the process of operation of the materials, elements and structures lose their initial strength and deformable properties (Kos et al. (2022); Gomon et al. (2023); Masiuk et al. (2018); Janiak et al. (2023); Sobczak-Piastka et al. (2023)). This requires strengthening, restoration and repair for their further regular operation. These processes require the search for new rational and economically justified constructive solutions ( Mel’nyk (2016); Bosak et al. (2021); Famulyak et al. (2019); Pavluk et al. (2023)).

Nomenclature F

the load applied to the samples

f c, cube cubic strength of concrete under axial compression f c, prism prism strength of concrete under axial compression f ctk, prism strength of concrete under central tension σ c compressive stress ε c relative compression strains Е с modulus of elasticity

There are various ways and methods of improving the mechanical properties of concrete (Babych et al. (2019); Konkol (2019); Kroviakov et al. (2020); Borysiuk et al. (2019)). Implementing new technologies, methods, and materials allows us to solve important issues related to strengthening, restoring, and repairing concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Modern, diverse technologies and materials are rapidly entering modern construction and require more and more attention (Dvorkin et al. (2021); Iskhakov et al. (2022)). One of the ways to solve these problems is using polymer materials, which are characterized by the absence of complex preparatory processes, a significant reduction in material consumption, and the term of work. In recent times, significant success has been achieved in polymer materials technology. The successful use of polymeric materials as means and methods of reinforcement is restrained by several factors, namely, a small amount of application experience, an insufficient number of scientific studies, and the absence of a calculation and regulatory base that would be adapted to current regulatory documents. That’s why solving the problems of reinforcing concrete with the "silor" polymer composition and studying strength and deformability are the goals of our experimental studies. 2. Methodology of experimental studies Test samples were produced and tested in batches. The characteristics of the test samples are shown in Table 1. The test samples were produced following current regulation documents (DBN B.1.2-14:2018, DSTU B V.2.6 156:2010, EN 1992-1-1:2004). Heavy concrete class C16/20 was used to produce samples of the first series. Sand with a grain size of up to 1.8 mm was used as a fine aggregate, and granite crushed stone of a fraction of 5 ... 20 mm was used as a coarse Samples of all three series were formed in the laboratory. After 5 days, the concrete was hardened. Then, the formwork was pulled off, and samples were taken out from the forms. The samples were hardened in a humid environment, covered with fabric, and kept moist for 14 days. Further preservation of samples was carried out at normal temperature and humidity conditions in the laboratory. After hardening, some concrete samples were impregnated with the polymer composition "silor" by a mechanical method (spraying). Large pores and microcracks are filled immediately after the impregnation of concrete with a polymer composition, followed by capillary and small pores. Water plugs prevent the impregnation of concrete with aggregate. Heavy concrete class C25/30 was used for the second and third series samples. Cubes and prisms of all three series were produced in horizontal metal cassette forms.

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