PSI - Issue 59

Oleg Yasniy et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 1–2 Oleg Yasniy, Olha Zvirko, Hryhoriy Nykyforchyn, Volodymyr Iasnii / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



The DMDP 2023 was held online between 18-20 October 2023. The USFM presents Ukraine in the ESIS via the Ukrainian National Group, which also participates actively in the ESIS Technical Committee TC10 “ Environmentally Assisted Cracking ” . The DMDP 2023 brought together leading scientists, researchers and research scholars to share their experience, research results and scientific ideas regarding key areas of fracture and damage mechanics, structural integrity assessment and maintenance. It has become an interactive platform for discussion of recent advances, trends and practical challenges in the field of fracture mechanics and structural integrity. The Conference hosted 114 oral presentations. Contributions from Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland, France, the Slovak Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Vietnam, South Korea, Canada, and Ukraine presented at the DMDP 2023 Conference covered the following topics of the Conference: • Localized and Nonlocalized Damage of Materials; • Damage Prediction;

• Non-destructive Testing and Damage Detection; • Degradation Assessment and Failure Prevention; • Crack Initiation and Propagation; • Fractography and Advanced Metallography; • Damage Tolerance; • Environmental Effects; • Durability; • Structural Integrity; • Reliability and Life Extension of Components; • Failure Analysis and Case Studies.

Also, in the frame of the conference, there was organized the mini- symposium “Environmental Effects: Hydrogen and Corrosion” (chaired by Prof. J. Toribio, Prof. H. Nykyforchyn, Prof. I. Dmytrakh and Prof. O. Zvirko). The TC10 meeting took place during the conference. This special issue contains the full-text conference papers accepted for publishing after the peer review. We hope that this issue will be interesting for scientists and researchers in the field of fracture mechanics, materials science and structural integrity, as well as for the lecturers of high schools and post-graduate students of the corresponding specialities. We also hope that it will be useful for experts and engineers in the industrial sectors, such as energy generation, machinery, transport, chemical industry, civil engineering, etc. As the Guest Editors of this Conference Proceedings, we wish to thank all authors for their contributions. Guest Editors of the Procedia Structural Integrity DMDP 2023 Conference Proceedings:

Oleg Yasniy, Olha Zvirko, Hryhoriy Nykyforchyn, Volodymyr Iasnii

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