PSI - Issue 59
Eugene Kondryakov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 50–57 Eugene Kondryakov et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000
Fig. 1. Various types of CT specimens used in studies (а). Load-LLD diagrams for 1 T С(Т) (b), 0.5T С(Т), side -grooved 0.5T C(T) (c) and miniature 0.16T C(T) (d) specimens.
Since the ASTM 1921 standard is designed for specimens with a minimum thickness of 0.4T, when calculating T 0 based on the test results of specimens with a thickness of 0.16T, it may be necessary to make changes to correctly determine T 0 . According to test results, reference temperatures T 0 were determined using single-temperature method. Figure 2
Fig. 2. Master curve developed for 1T C(T) specimens and test results for specimens of various types.
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