PSI - Issue 59

D. Nosov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 656–663



D. Nosov et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

Fig. 5. Prediction of the relative strength of samples depending on their annealing modes.

Fig. 4. Prediction of the probability of destruction of samples depending on their annealing modes.

Table 1. Model is: v =b1+b2·v1+b3·v2+b4·v3+b5·v1·v2+b6·v1·v3+b7·v2·v3+b 8·v1·v2·v3 v4 angle of destruction v5 number of cycles v6 probability of destruction v7 relative strength

v8 type of destruction (seam – 1/ HAZ – 2)

b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8

2119,256 -201,179 -153,792 -92,932 14,308

13415,41 -1098,50 -932,04 -614,88

-1471,27 121,25

20748,41 -1678,38 -1508,22 -949,74 120,56

201,6703 -16,5539 -13,4168 -9,1437 1,1077 0,7556 0,6152 -0,0507

99,52 67,92 -8,24 -5,55 -4,60 0,38

76,17 50,27 43,10 -3,50

8,981 6,835 -0,640

76,70 69,57 -5,54

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