PSI - Issue 59
754 Ya. Grudz et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 750–756 Ya. Grudz et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000 5 According to the works of Grudz (2012), the influence of the relative distance to the selection is established l L / and relative magnitude of selection q Q / on the value of the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency of the section of the network with selection q E . The results of calculations in the form of graphs are shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. The effect of selection on the hydraulic efficiency of the gas pipeline of the network section.
The analysis of the research results shows that the size and location of the road selection on the gas network section has a significant effect on its coefficient of hydraulic efficiency. In particular, increasing the distance from the beginning of the section to the road selection point leads to an increase in the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency of the network section. Yes, with the relative value of path selection q Q / =0,6 increase in the distance to it with l L / = 0.25 to l L / = 0.5 leads to an increase in the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency of the network section by 10,03%, and when increasing the distance to l L / = 0.75 the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency increases by 21.3%. The increase in hydraulic efficiency in the initial part of the section (before road selection) has a greater effect on the increase in the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency of the network section than in the final part (after road selection). Thus, with an increase in the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency of the section before road selection with 60% to 80% the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency of the network increases by 21.93%, while a similar increase in the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency in the final section leads to its growth by 2.24%. An increase in the value of the concentrated road selection leads to a decrease in the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency of the network, and with the increase in the distance to the selection, the intensity of the drop in the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency of the network increases. An important aspect of the research is establishing the relationship between the coefficients of hydraulic efficiency of a gas pipeline with road selections and a simple gas pipeline (Grudz et. al. (2014a)). In other words, there is a need to establish the influence of road selections on the value of the hydraulic efficiency coefficient. To solve this problem, let's compare the results of determining the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency for a simple gas pipeline according to (9) and for a gas pipeline with road selections according to (10). As a result, we will obtain a correction for the reduction of the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency caused by road selection . (13) Now according to the works of Grudz et. al. (2014b), it is possible to perform a study to establish the dependence of the value and on the selection value and its coordinates. Figure 2 shows the graphical dependence of the specified ratio on the amount of gas extraction and its placement on the gas pipeline. The analysis of the graphs shows that with a gas leakage amount of 0.1% of the flow rate in the gas pipeline, the coefficient of hydraulic efficiency decreases by 13.4%. As the size of the gas leak and its distance L l Q q E E q q (1 ) 1
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