PSI - Issue 59

Viktor Kovalov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 59 (2024) 771–778



V. Kovalov et al. / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000

tests determined the resistance of the surface layer to alternating loads in torsion and bending, and also assessed the resistance to fracture in the process of damage accumulation under alternating loading for a given period of time. The results of fatigue strength tests are presented in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Fatigue test results.

The results of the experimental study of the fatigue strength of steel specimens in the original state and specimens restored by standard technology and by combined processing technology show an increase in the fatigue strength of specimens restored by the combined method by 17% compared to specimens in the original state and by 41% compared to specimens restored by standard technology. Thus, the structure obtained from combined processing is the least sensitive to stress concentration. This contributes to increased operational resistance of parts and longer equipment service life. 4. Conclusions The study of the crack growth rate and fatigue strength of the samples testify to the high efficiency of the combined technology for restoring shaft-type parts, which operate under cyclic loading conditions. Application of combined processing allows to increase considerably the service life of parts, units and equipment as a whole, as well as to reduce energy and resource costs at general reduction of repair downtime of machines. References Berezshnaya, O.V., Kassov, V.D., Gribkov, E.P., 2020. Combined Technology for the Parts Recovery Operating Stress Factor Conditions. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 26, 1 - 18. Kassov, V., Berezshnaya, E., Malyhin, N., Antonenko, Y., Zubenko, K., 2021. Development of the protection coat for metallic structures based on the intercalated graphite compounds. Materials Science Forum 1045, 9–16. Krauss, G., 1999. Martensite in steel: strength and structure. Materials science and engineering: A 273, 40 - 57. Nasir, N. S. M. et al., 2006. Review on welding residual stress. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 5, 8 - 10. Shi, G. et al., 2012. Experimental and modeling study of high - strength structural steel under cyclic loading. Engineering Structures 37, 1 - 13. Suominen, L., Khurshid, M., Parantainen, J., 2013. Residual stresses in welded components following post - weld treatment methods. Procedia Engineering 66, 181 - 191.

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