Issue 59
M. A. R. Elmahdy et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 59 (2022) 486-513; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.59.32
Figure 16: Effect of bacteria type on compressive strength results for reloaded cracked specimens and specimens without pre-cracking using 0.25% bacteria and a concentration of 2×10 8 + 0.50% Ca La: (A) at 28 days, (B) at 56 days, and (C) at 90 days.
Figure 17: Effect of bacteria type on compressive strength results for reloaded cracked specimens and specimens without pre-cracking using 0.25% bacteria and a concentration of 2×10 9 + 0.50% Ca La: (A) at 28 days, (B) at 56 days, and (C) at 90 days.
Figure 18: Effect of bacteria type on compressive strength results for reloaded cracked specimens and specimens without pre-cracking using 2.5% bacteria and a concentration of 2×10 8 + 0.50% Ca La: (A) at 28 days, (B) at 56 days, and (C) at 90 days.
Figure 19: Effect of bacteria type on compressive strength results for reloaded cracked specimens and specimens without pre-cracking using 2.5% bacteria and a concentration of 2×10 9 + 0.50% Ca La: (A) at 28 days, (B) at 56 days, and (C) at 90 days.
Figure 20: Effect of bacteria type on compressive strength results for reloaded cracked specimens and specimens without pre-cracking using 0.25% bacteria and a concentration of 2×10 9 + 0.50% Ca Ac: (A) at 28 days, (B) at 56 days, and (C) at 90 days.
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