Issue 58

R.N. da Cunha et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 58 (2021) 21-32; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.58.02

being f i and f j the yield functions for the hinges i and j , respectively, and C and k 0 model parameters. Note that the model parameters Y 0 , q , C and k 0 can be directly related to the classic theory of reinforced concrete structures, as presented by [20, 27-29].



Bridge Concrete Arch [13] he first case study is the failure analysis of two reinforced concrete arch ribs that were part of a 28 years old bridge in China. The geometry of the arches is described in Tab. 1. The failure experiments were made in laboratory where the arches were submitted to static loads [13]. Fig. 4 presents the location of the applied loads (P).

Inclined angle at arch foot

Cross section width ( T )

Cross section height ( h )

Span ( L )

Height ( H )


19.72 m

3.08 m

17.89 m


20 cm

28 cm

Table 1: Arch geometric parameters [13].

Figure 4: Lumped damage modelling for the arch tested by [13].

The loads were applied at middle (point E), at the left quarter plus 27 cm (point C) and at the right quarter of the arch (point G), which were applied in eighteen load steps. The two end sections of the arches were fixed. The reinforcement is located near the upper and lower sides of the arch cross section. Three bars with 16 mm of diameter composed each layer. Tab. 2 presents the elastic constants of the materials.




Elastic modulus E (GPa)



Poisson’s ratio ν



Table 2: Material elastic constants [13].

Due the long usage time and problems related to the removal and transportation of the arches, both of them suffered damages at the two ends (nodes A and I). Moreover, at 1/8 distance of the left and right supports (nodes B and H) the arches were also damaged, when they were being dismantling in the field, resulting in two notches. It was obtained that the collapse load (P max ) was equal to 68 kN and 65 kN for the tested arches. Tab. 3 presents the experimental data of the vertical displacements at the measured location, for different load ratios.


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