Issue 57
A. Basiri et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 57 (2021) 373-397; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.57.27
Without correction
With mean stress correction
m 1
m 2
9.8444 2.4013
-0.4678 0.0522
12.6252 -0.5016 2.0000 3.1000
AlSi_N_T6 -0.2970 0.9900 -13.1000 Table 6: The martial constants of un-corrected and corrected plastic strain energy based on mean stress effect for both AlSi and AlSi_N_T6. 3.6743
Figure 27: The regression analysis of the energy model for both AlSi alloys and AlSi_N_T6 without the mean stress correction factor.
Figure 28: The regression analysis of the energy model for both AlSi alloys and AlSi_N_T6 with the mean stress correction factor.
By the extrapolation of the fitted curve for AlSi_N_T6, as a claim, it could be predicted that for lower stress/strain amplitudes, the fatigue lifetime for the heat-treated nano-composite specimens could be equal to or higher than that for non-heat-treatment samples. Fig. 29 illustrates the scatter-band analysis for both AlSi alloys and AlSi_N_T6 with the consideration of uncorrected and corrected plastic strain energy models. It could be observed that the scatter-band for AlSi_N_T6 data had significantly wider than the data corresponding to AlSi alloys. Such results explained the higher value of CD for AlSi alloys in comparison to nano-composites. It was seen that the energy model with the correction factor presented a smaller scatter-band in both
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