Issue 57
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 57 (2021); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture
Table of Contents
H. S. Patil, D. C. Patel
The effect of surface texturing in the sliding surface on tribological characteristics of alloy steel under wet condition ………………………………………………………………… 1-13
V. Bharath, V Auradi, M. Nagaral
Fractographic characterization of Al 2 O 3p Particulates Reinforced Al2014 Alloy Composites subjected to Tensile loading ………………………………………………………….. 14-23 F. Boursas, D. Boutagouga Parametric study of I-shaped shear connectors with different orientations in push-out test ……… 24-39 T. Salem, H. Maaly, A. Abdelbaset Analysis of above-ground steel storage tanks resting over piles or stone columns … …………… 40-49 Optimization of High-Performance-Concrete properties containing fine recycled aggregates using mixture design modeling ……………………………………………………………. 50-62 M. Moreira, J. C. Ramos, A. Messias, M. A. Neto, A. Amaro, P.N.B. Reis Impact response of different materials for sports mouthguards ……………………………... 63-69 A. Sobhy, L. A. Nour, H. Hassan, A. El-Sisi Behavior of structural concrete frames with hybrid reinforcement under cyclic loading ………….. 70-81 R. N. da Cunha, K. M. Oliveira, A. G. L. R. Brito, C. S. Vieira, D. L. N. F. Amorim Evaluation of the behaviour of reinforced concrete beams repaired with glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) using a damage variable …………………………………………….. 82-92 A. Aliche, H. Hammoum, K. Bouzelha, Y. Aoues, O. Amiri, Y. Mehani Fragility analysis of concrete elevated water tanks under seismic loads ……………………… 93-113 T. Boudina, D. Benamara, R. Zaitri
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