Issue 57
A. Sadeghi et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 57 (2021) 138-159; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.57.12
Determination of random variables and their statistical parameters. Determination of rando vari l i l para eters.
Distributing samples for each variable and compute their PDF . istri i ariable and compute their PDFs.
Designing a 2 -story steel moment-resisting frame structure. Verification & designing a 2-story SMRF structu e.
Verification & Designing Procedure
Modeling a 2D -frame of steel structure under vehicle impact. Modeling a 2D SMRF struc ure nder v hicl impact.
Nonlinear Dynamic
Computing for each performance level of the studied frame. Co puting f r ea t t ied fra e.
Reliability analysis by using meta-models. Reliability analysis by using meta-models.
Assessment the accuracy of meta-models and selecting the best one. A se s ent the acc r electing the best one.
Fragility analysis based meta-model of the selected frame.
Reliability, Fragility, and Sensitivity
Computing sensitivity results using Eqs. (21) to (24). Computing sens tivity results usi ns. 9 2 .
Figure 5: Representation the flowchart of the current study.
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