Issue 57
R. Fincato et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 57 (2021) 114-126; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.57.10
r β q β : 2
where h ( 0 1 h ) is a material constant set by the user. Briefly, larger values of h give a rapid expansion of the non-IH surface with the consequent smaller cyclic hardening of the material. Eqn. (5) 1 is obtained directly from the consistency condition Eqn. (2) 1 . On the contrary, in case one or both the requirements are not satisfied, the isotropic hardening term of the bounding surface is not updated (i.e., 0 R ). Only the back stress q is updated through Eqn. (6), while 0 r .
0, n t t the aim of the integration algorithm is the
onsidering an equilibrium state at the generic time computation of the unknowns at the subsequent time
1 0, n t t , given the total strain
1 n n t t t with
increment D . In detail, the set of the unknowns can be expressed as: * , , , , , , H r x σ α β q
where the back stress of the yield surface α can be simply obtained by means of Eqn. (2) 8 once the terms * α and β are computed at the n+1 time step. In [2] the constitutive equations of the two-surface model are integrated by means of an explicit scheme, that requires to proceed with small time increments t to fulfill the convergence and to obtain accurate solutions. In this work the set of equations in Eqn. (2) is integrated with a fully implicit return map algorithm in the form of the closest point projection method [22,23] (CPPM). For sake of simplicity, the following subsection 3.1 shows the integration algorithm without accounting for the evolution of the non-IH surface. The workhardening stagnation requires an additional numerical scheme that is described in subsection 3.3. Lastly, subsection 3.4 summarizes the complete CPPM used for the update of all the unknowns in Eqn. (2). CPPM without stagnation of the isotropic hardening Firstly, the trial elastic is performed by computing the new stress state: (8) The trial elastic stress state is used to judge if a plastic correction is required or not. In case the trial stress state is not an admissible stress state for the material (i.e., 0 f ) a plastic correction is performed through a series of k sub-iterations (starting by k = 0 and assigning the internal variable, except the stress state, as 0 1 k n n ). If the evolution of the non-IH surface is not considered, the set of the unknows in Eqn. (2) can be reduced to the following set of five unknowns: * , , , , H x σ α β (9) It is therefore possible to write a system of five equations associated with the variables as in Eqn. (10) and to compute the solution at the k+1 sub-iteration by means of Eqn. (11). 1 : trial n n σ σ E D
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