Issue 57
Fracture and Structural Integrity, 57 (2021); ISSN 1971-9883
Well, once again we wish to warmly thank the great community that supports Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale . In order to further improve the “score” of our journal, we only ask you to: - read the papers we will publish in the journal; - help our journal, using its papers in your references, spreading the information in the socials etc.; - suggest any possible improvement you could have in your mind; - submit new papers to be reviewed and published; - help us with the reviews (we activated an agreement with Publons in order to certify your activity as reviewer). A last piece of information: soon we will update the OJS (Open Journal System) to the new 3.3 version ... we hope you will appreciate this new version! Ciao!
Francesco Iacoviello Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale Editor in Chief
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