Issue 55
K. Fedaoui et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 55 (2021) 36-49; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.55.03
case 1). For spherical interphase morphology, the Von Mises stress value is the same in the two cross-section planes (ZX and ZY), see Fig. 18.
Ellipsiod E_interphase = 10 [MPa] Spherical E_interphase = 10 [MPa] Figure 18: von Mises stress as a function of interphase Young’s modulus for spherical and ellipsoid interphase morphology (case 10%, case 2)
Ellipsiod E_interphase = 1 [MPa] Spherical E_interphase = 1 [MPa] Figure 19: von Mises stress as a function of interphase Young’s modulus for spherical and ellipsoid interphase morphology (case 10%, case 2).
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