Issue 55

M. M. Konieczny et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 55 (2021) 241-257; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.55.18

Integration constants D 1 and D 2 in the Eqn. (7) are equal to:

  k mm ;

  k mm ;



 

 



1.21545 * 10

5.1032 * 10





 C and r C in the analyzed plate are respectively:

Cross-section weakening coefficients (4)

     0.590 C ;

    0.496 r C ;

Figure 4. Bimetallic perforated plate freely supported on the perimeter and loaded with a concentrated force P acting perpendicular to the surface. For calculations it was assumed: P = 10 kN – load in the form of concentrated force distributed around the circumference of the hole with a diameter; b = 12 mm – hole diameter; b 1 – 14 mm – pressure stamp diameter;

D = 300 mm – outer diameter of the plate; H = 10 mm – base layer thickness (steel plate); a = 2.5 mm – applied layer thickness (titanium plate);

h 1 = 5.64 mm (Fig. 2); h 2 = 4.36 mm (Fig. 2); The mechanical properties of the steel plate and titanium plate are taken from Tab. 1. On the basis of the Eqns. (10) – (15), values of radial stresses  a r and circumferential  

a and equivalent von Mises stresses

 a red were determined for the adopted geometry of the bimetallic perforated plate given in Fig. 4. For example, in Fig. 5 the values of the circumferential stress   a , radial stress  a r and equivalent von Mises stresses  a red are plotted along the thickness h of the bimetallic perforated plate in sections T 1 and T 2 , i.e. on the radius r = R 5 = 60 mm and r = 130 mm (Fig 2), loaded from the side of the titanium layer with a concentrated force applied perpendicularly to the center of the plate P = 10 kN. Bimetallic perforated plate fixed supported on the perimeter and loaded with a concentrated force P acting perpendicular to the surface In the second case, the analysis the state of stress in a bimetallic perforated plate loaded with a concentrated force applied perpendicularly to the surface with the value P = 10 kN was presented below. The geometry of the plate is presented in Fig. 2. The concentrated force P was applied centrally to the pressure stamp with a diameter of b 1 = 14 mm. A fixed of the plate on the outer perimeter was assumed. The method of support and loading the plate is shown in Fig. 6. The boundary conditions are assumed to take the following form (Fig. 6):

a) for the radius r – ½ b = 6 mm – plate deflection angle φ = 0; b) for the radius r = ½ D = 150 mm – plate deflection angle φ = 0.


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