Issue 55
D. Benyarou et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 55 (2021) 145-158; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.55.11
Figure 14: mechanical behavior of lap shear joints by FSSW Fig. 14 illustrate the responses obtained from the mechanical behavior of the materials in terms of lap-shear tensile load versus displacement response during the tensile test and predicted by the numerical model taken for the optimum values, a speed of rotation of 1100 rpm and a dwell time of 120 s which gave a good welding quality. From this figure, the results obtained numerically compared with the experimental results are presented. From a qualitative point of view the evolutions present similar behavior. The explanation of this mechanical behavior is that the deformation response of an amorphous polymer (HDPE) strongly depends on the stress conditions but also on the environment and the effect of the welding parameters (dwell time and tool rotating speed). Temperature is a very important parameter conditioning the response of polymers. It can be seen that the numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental results. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact, that the friction stir spot welding parameters has a significant effect on the material mixing and consequently on the static strength of welded joints. We recall also, that is difficult to make a complete characterization of welded joints behavior by FSSW process. In other words, creation of complex phenomena in welded zone during the welding process which related to the level and the interaction between the welded parameters such as: tool geometry, tool rotational speed and dwell time from where a difficulty to make a precise and reliable numerical analysis. riction stir spot welding of polymer materials is a promising technique which provides high quality joints compared to conventional welding processes. This study was carried out in order to analysis the effect of some parameters on the mechanical behavior of HDPE single lap joint welded by friction-stir spot welding (FSSW) under tensile loading. The obtained results allow us to deduce the following conclusions: The developed a nonlinear finite element modeling approach to simulate the single-lap joints welded by (FSSW) and subjected to static tensile loading. Good correlation was found between the FEM simulations and the experimental results. The level of tool rotating speed determines the mode failure of welded assemblies and on the mechanical behavior of HDPE material compared to HDPE sheets without welding. We can obtained a high quality welds and high quality weld strength using the optimum welding parameters (tool rotation speed and dwell time). The results found confirm that the tool rotation speed and dwell time play a predominant role in determining the tensile / shear strength. The increase in Dwell time increases the tensile shear strength in a limited range of FSSW joints. Tensile failure loads of the joints increase with the increase in tool rotational speed F C ONCLUSIONS
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