PSI - Issue 54

Jamal A. Abdalla et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 54 (2024) 609–616 Abdalla et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



when compared to normal aggregate concrete beams strengthened with CFRP. Overall, this study confirms the viability and potential of using CFRP shear-strengthened RAC beams. The practical application of CFRP strengthening techniques to recycled aggregate concrete beams can improve structural performance and extend the service life of existing infrastructure, making it more durable and resilient. Further research in these areas would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the overall feasibility and benefits of utilizing CFRP shear strengthening in recycled aggregate concrete structures. References Abdalla, J. A., Mhanna, H. H., Hawileh, R. A., Ahmed, S. S., Omer, A., & Abdulkadeer, O. (2022). Comparison of shear behavior of normal and recycled aggregates beams strengthened with CFRP U-Wraps. Procedia Structural Integrity , 42 , 1231 – 1238. doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2022.12.157 Abdalla, J. A., Mhanna, H. H., Hawileh, R. A., Sharafi, M., Al-Marzouqi, A., Al-Teneiji, S., & Al-Ali, K. 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