PSI - Issue 54
Alessandro Zanarini et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 54 (2024) 99–106
A. Zanarini / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000–000
Shakers:active #1[2611] mute #2[931] Risk-index mapping PINK NOISE excit. ref. amp.= 10 [mN]
Shakers:mute #1[2611] active #2[931] Risk-index mapping PINK NOISE excit. ref. amp.= 10 [mN]
Real part dB[1/h] [projection angle 0 deg] Dof [1136]
Real part dB[1/h] [projection angle 0 deg] Dof [1136]
DIC_r [1136] = 9.356e+00
DIC_r [1136] = 1.710e+01
ToA = 11.00 6.436e+01 DIC_r -2.444e+01
ToA = 11.00 7.282e+01 DIC_r -3.674e+01
(c) ALESSANDRO ZANARINI Spin-off activities from the researches in Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2011 PIEF-GA-2011-298543 Project TEFFMA - Towards Experimental Full Field Modal Analysis
(c) ALESSANDRO ZANARINI Spin-off activities from the researches in Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2011 PIEF-GA-2011-298543 Project TEFFMA - Towards Experimental Full Field Modal Analysis
a b Fig. 7. Examples of Risk Index mapping in dof 1136, with pink noise excitation from shaker 1 in a and shaker 2 in b . If ToA = 11 , a defect in dof 1136 is tolerable when the excitation comes from shaker 1, whereas is intolerable, thus dangerous, if shaker 2 gives the excitation.
accurate evaluation of Strain FRF maps , of Stress & von Mises equivalent stress FRF maps with proper constitutive models, of von Mises PSDs directly from experimental DIC-based full-field FRFs and coloured noise excitation , of the fatigue life predictions bymeans of spectral methods , andof the Risk Index maps , to grade the dangerous location of defects with defined threshold of acceptance and related colour coding, once the real dynamic behaviour is fully retained and not simplified. Experimental optical full-field measurement techniques, also in the DIC variant, are becoming mature & reliable for a risk tolerance assessment in production and working conditions, because of their ability to identify defects and to retain a refined and dense structural dynamics in both the frequency and spatial domain, directly from real samples and without any FE model to be carefully updated.
The European Commission Research Executive Agency is acknowledged for funding the project TEFFMA - To wards Experimental Full Field Modal Analysis, funded by the European Commission at the Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria, through the Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-IEF-2011 PIEF-GA-2011-298543 grant in years 2013-2015.
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