PSI - Issue 54

Maricely De Abreu et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 54 (2024) 143–148 De Abreu M. et al./ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000



cracking, which very likely initiated the failure of the strands. Consequently, the failure was not due to the lack of quality or deterioration of the prestressing steel, and the failure roots were the long-term constructive insufficiencies that propitiate the absence of protective barriers and the presence of an aggressive media inside the protection

sheaths of the strands. Acknowledgements

The authors gratefully acknowledge the grants RTI-2018-097221-B-I00, and UP2021-035 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and respectively by “ERDF A Way of Making Europe”, and “Next Generation EU/PRTR” as well as the support of FHECOR Ingenieros S.A. and DRAGADOS S.A. during the research development. References De Abreu, M., Iordachescu M., Valiente A., 2018. On hydrogen induced damage in cold drawn lean-duplex wires, Eng Fail Anal 91, 516-526. Iordachescu, M., De Abreu, M., Valiente, A., 2015. Effect of cold-drawn induced anisotropy on the failure of high strength eutectoid and duplex steel wires. Eng Fail Anal 56, 412-421. Iordachescu, M., Pérez-Guerrero, M., Valiente, A., Elices, M., 2018. Environmental effects on large diameter high-strength rods for structural applications, Engineering Failure Analysis, 83, 230-238. Iordachescu, M., De Abreu, M., Valiente A., 2020. Damage mechanisms and failure analysis of high-strength eutectoid and duplex stainless steel wires subjected to static and cyclic axial tension loading under transverse compressive loads, Eng Fail Anal 115, 104679. Iordachescu, M., Valiente, A., De Abreu, M., 2021. Effect of environmentally assisted damage on fatigue resistance of tie-down cables after 30

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