Issue 54
A. Kumar K. et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 54 (2020) 36-55; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.54.03
(a) First displacement mode shape
(b) Three dimensional wavelet plot in Scale-translation plane
(c) Maximum Modulus line at 1600 node (d) Hoelder exponent plot along the beam length. Figure 7: Damage identification for damage case i.e. c/h = 0.2 Fig. 7 (b) highlights the three dimensional wavelet coefficients plot for damage case c/h = 0.2 which gives small peak with less value of wavelet coefficients at damaged location. To be consistent with the concept of increasing damage sensitive parameter with increasing damage extent, the Hoelder exponent at damaged location is subtracted from value of exponent at undamaged location i.e., 2 which is called as Damage index based on Hoelder exponent. Damage index = 2 – Hoelder Exponent at damaged element Intensity factor = 2 (y-intercept)
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