Cover | 1 |
TOC | 3 |
Editorial Team | 6 |
Sister Associations | 9 |
Editorial | 11 |
T. I. J. Brito, D. M. Santos, F. A. S. Santos, R. N. da Cunha, D. L. N. F. Amorim - On the lumped damage modelling of reinforced concrete beams and arches | 13 |
A. Boulebd, F. Noureddine, B. Mohcene, H. A. Mesbah - Modeling of CFRP strengthened RC beams using the SNSM technique, proposed as an alternative to NSM and EBR techniques | 33 |
A. Kumar K, M. Reddy D - A Novel Method to Estimate the Damage Severity Using Spatial Wavelets and Local Regularity Algorithm | 48 |
E. M. Strungar, D. S. Lobanov - Mathematical data processing according to digital image correlation method for polymer composites | 68 |
F. S. Brandão, L. F. F. Miguel - Vibration control in buildings under seismic excitation using optimized tuned mass dampers | 78 |
R. B. P. Nonato - Bi-level Hybrid Uncertainty Quantification in Fatigue Analysis: S-N Curve Approach | 100 |
O. Shallan, H. M. Maaly, M. M. Elgiar, A. A. El-Sisi - Effect of stiffener characteristics on the seismic behavior and fracture tendency of steel shear walls | 116 |
J. Akbari, A. Abed - Experimental evaluation of effects of steel and glass fibers on engineering properties of concrete | 128 |
I. El-Sagheer, M. Taimour, M. Mobtasem, Amr A. Abd-Elhady, H. El-Din M. Sallam - Finite Element analysis of the behavior of bonded composite patches repair in aircraft structures | 140 |
Z. Xiong, Y. Liu, B. Liu, L Jiang - Tension Strength Prediction of Transverse Branch Plate-to-Rectangular Joint with Concrete Filling | 148 |
I. Chekalil, A. Miloudi , M.P. Planche, A. Ghazi - Prediction of mechanical behavior of friction stir welded joints of AA3003 aluminum alloy | 165 |
P. Jinlong, L. Guanhua, C. Jingming - Numerical analysis of circular and square concrete filled aluminum tubes under axial compression | 181 |
P. Livieri, F. Segala - A closed form for the Stress Intensity Factor of a small embedded square-like flaw | 194 |
V. Shlyannikov, A. Tumanov, R. Khamidullin - Strain-gradient effect on the crack tip dislocations density | 204 |
M. Belaïd, M. Malika, S. Mokadem, S. Boualem - Probabilistic elastic-plastic fracture mechanics analysis of propagation of cracks in pipes under internal pressure | 214 |
M.A. Warda, H.S. Khalil, Seleem S. E. Ahmad, I.M. Mahdi - Optimum sustainable mix proportions of high strength concrete by using Taguchi method | 223 |
A. Moslemi Petrudi, K. Vahedi, M. Rahmani, M. Moslemi Petrudi - Numerical and analytical simulation of ballistic projectile penetration due to high velocity impact on ceramic target | 238 |
B Bartolucci, A. De Rosa, C. Bertolin, F. Berto, F. Penta, A.M. Siani - Mechanical properties of the most common European woods: a literature review | 261 |
T. Nehari, K. Bahram, D. Nehari, D. Marni Sandid - Numerical analysis of the influence of maximum residual thermal stresses on the intensity factor between the matrix and particle interfaces in metal matrix composite | 287 |
F. Benaoum, F. Khelil, A. Benhamena - Numerical analysis of reinforced concrete beams pre-cracked reinforced by composite materials | 294 |
A. Sirico, P. Bernardi, B. Belletti, A. Malcevschi, L. Restuccia, G. A. Ferro, D. Suarez-Riera - Biochar-based cement pastes and mortars with enhanced mechanical properties | 309 |
A. Golsoorat Pahlaviani, A. M. Rousta, P. Beiranvand - Investigation of the effect of impact load on concrete-filled steel tube columns under fire | 329 |