PSI - Issue 53
America Califano et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 53 (2024) 185–189 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000
is on average, 37% lower than the number of cycles to failure for the AM ones. This could be due to the fact that the AM stainless steel, during the printing phase, was subjected to high temperatures which acted as a, sort of, thermal treatment, thus increasing the durability of the material itself. Finally, the obtained results showed that, for both considered materials, the crack orientation does not affect the crack-growth behaviour. Table 2. Number of cycles to failure ( N f ) for the tested specimens of wrought and AM stainless steel Specimen N f Material LT1 80940 WROUGHT LT2 78887 WROUGHT TL1 83807 WROUGHT TL2 81093 WROUGHT 2 133544 AM 5 130427 AM 4. Conclusions Crack-growth behaviour of AM 17-4 PH stainless steel specimens obtained by SLM and by traditional rolling were investigated in this work. Six standard C(T) specimens (four manufactured through SLM and two manufactured through the traditional rolling technique) were subjected to T-T fatigue tests. The crack-length vs. number of cycles curves were obtained and compared. It was highlighted that, for each material, such curves were almost-overlapping, whereas comparing the two sets of crack-growth curves it was seen that there was a clear difference in the crack-growth behaviour. This difference stands in the fact that the AM stainless steel during printing was, sort of, subjected to a thermal treatment due to the high temperature reached during the process and, therefore, its durability was positively influenced by it. References Afkhami, S., Dabiri, M., Alavi, S.H., Björk, T., Salminen, A., 2019. Fatigue characteristics of steels manufactured by selective laser melting. International Journal of Fatigue 122, 72–83. Alfieri, V., Giannella, V., Caiazzo, F., Sepe, R., 2022. Influence of position and building orientation on the static properties of LPBF specimens in 17-4 PH stainless steel. Forces in Mechanichs 8. Caiazzo, F., Alfieri, V., 2021. Optimization of laser beam welding of steel parts made by additive manufacturing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 114, 3123–3136. Califano, A., Giannella, V., Bollino, F., Sepe, R., 2023. Experimental investigation of the fatigue crack-growth behaviour in SLM additively manufactured 17-4 PH stainless steel specimens. Procedia Structural Integrity, 48, 238-243. Foti, P., Razavi, M. J. S., Fatemi, A., Berto, F., 2023. Multiaxial fatigue of additively manufactured metallic components: A review of the failure mechanisms and fatigue life prediction methodologies. Progress in Materials Science 137, 101126. Gibson, I., Rosen, D., Stucker, B., Khorasani, M., 2021. Additive Manufacturing Technologies . Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Henry, T.C., Morales, M.A., Cole, D.P., 2021. Mechanical behavior of 17-4 PH stainless steel processed by atomic diffusion additive manufacturing. International Journal of Advvanced Manufacturing Technologies 114, 2103–2114. Karaka ş , Ö., Karde ş , F.B., Foti, P., Berto, F., 2023. An overview of factors affecting high-cycle fatigue of additive manufacturing metals. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures 46(5), 1649–1668. De Luca, A., Lamanna, G., Caputo, F., Borrelli, R., Franchitti, S., Pirozzi, C., Sepe, R., 2021. Effects of the Surface Finish on Thin Specimens Made by Electron Beam Melting Technology. Macromolecular Symposia 396(1). Newman, J.C.,Yamada, Y., James, M.A., 2011. Back-face strain compliance relation for compact specimens for wide range in crack lengths. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 78(15), 2707–2711. Sepe, R., Franchitti, S., Borrelli, R., Di Caprio, F., Armentani, E., Caputo, F., 2020. Correlation between real geometry and tensile mechanical behaviour for Ti6Al4V electron beam melted thin specimens. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 107(1). Sepe, R., Giannella, V., Alfieri, V., Caiazzo, F., 2021. Static and fatigue behavior of laser welded additively manufactured 17-4 PH steel plates. Procedia Structural Integrity 34, 172–177. Sepe, R., De Luca, A., Giannella, V., Borrelli, R., Franchitti, S., Di Caprio, F., Caputo, F., 2022. Influence of dimension, building position, and orientation on mechanical properties of EBM lattice Ti6Al4V trusses. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 122(7–8), 3183–3198.
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