PSI - Issue 53

João Alves et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 53 (2024) 236–245 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000



3.2. Tensile and fatigue test The tensile test was conducted at room temperature as defined by ASTM E8/E8M-22 (2022), using a uniaxial tensile testing equipment, model Instron 4505, with a load cell of 100kN, and an extensometer attached to the gage section of the specimen. The strain ratio used had a constant speed of 0.017 mm/s, and the data was collected by the controller Instron 4000. The fatigue test was performed at room temperature on servo-hydraulic equipment, Instron 8802, with a load cell of 100kN, and the data was collected by the controller, Instron 8000. The experience was done using a sine wave of constant amplitude, with a stress ratio R=0 and a frequency of 10 Hz. Both tests were carried out using round specimens following ASTM E8/E8M-22 (2022), built-in z orientation, and represented in Fig. 3. The specimens were tested in the condition as built.

Fig. 3. Specimen dimension for tensile and fatigue test.

3.3. Vickers microhardness test The Vickers microhardness examinations followed the ASTM standard E384-22 (2022). In these assessments, a force of 0.5 kgf was applied over 10 seconds, and the distance between indentations was set at 0.5 mm, ensuring a minimum separation of 2.5 times the length of the Vickers diagonal. The Minitab software was employed to validate adherence to the ASTM 384-22 (2022) standard's requirement for a normal distribution. Probability plots were constructed using the Anderson-Darling test, with the condition that the p-value needed to be equal to or greater than the confidence threshold of α= 0.05 . The samples tested were cut, according to the scheme represented in Fig. 4. using wire electrical discharge machining, model Fanuc Robocut alfa-1. The parameters used for the cut were a current intensity of 4A, a voltage of 40V, and a cut speed of 0.12 mm/s.

Fig. 4. Cut procedure of samples for hardness determination and manufacturing defects analysis.

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