Issue 52

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 52 (2020); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture


Dear friends, First of all, some information about the Publisher’s website, Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF). Now we have a new address ( and the website is based on Google Sites, offering many services (we will discover them all together in the next future!) and allowing to obtain a really high responsiveness of the website, being really independent on the device you use to surf the site. I hope you will appreciate this new approach. Secondly some news about the recent activities organized by IGF. Although these last months were quite hard for the events organizers, IGF opened the 2020 with two successful events: - The VCSI1 (1 st Virtual Conference on Structural Integrity; in cooperation with the Greek, the Portuguese and the Serbian Fracture groups) that was held online on January 16, 2020 and, maybe, defined a new paradigm in the organization of low cost-high quality events. All the presentations and the discussions are available in the IGF YouTube channel ( and the papers will be published in a Procedia Structural Integrity Issue. - The MedFract1 (1 st Mediterranean Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity, in cooperation with the Greek fracture group), that was held in Athens (Greece) in February (26-28). In this case, we were able to face the problems created by the Covid-19 organizing some virtual sessions with remote speakers. Also in this case, all the presentations are available in the IGF YouTube channel ( and the papers will be published in a Procedia Structural Integrity Issue. Third, we are trying to “push” the YouTube channel we are using to publish the Visual Abstracts: As you can see, as we have less than 100 subscribers, we can’t have a customized url. Please, join the channel!! In the Table of Contents now you can find the Visual Abstract url for each published paper. Please, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions to further improve our journal. Very best,

Francesco Iacoviello Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale Editor in Chief


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