PSI - Issue 51
Victor Rizov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 51 (2023) 44–50 V. Rizov / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000–000
Cracks 2 and 3 are also analyzed by the J -integral. The integration is performed along contours R and Q (Fig. 1). The J -integrals match the SERR. This fact verifies the SERR analysis. 3. Numerical results Numerical results which illustrate the influence of various factors on the SERR are presented here.
20 F N, curve 2 – at
40 F N and curve 3 – at
60 F N).
Fig. 2. The normalized SERR plotted against h h / 1 ratio (curve 1 - at
G G D b N 0 / . The locations of the cracks 1, 2 and 3 along the height of
The normalized SERR are presented as the beam are characterized by h h / 1 ,
h h h / 2 1 and
h h h h / 3 2 1 ratios, respectively. Ratio,
0 1 / D D ,
characterizes the inhomogeneity. The following data are used: 0.5 m . The influence of the location of crack 1 in the height direction is illustrated in Fig. 2. The curves in Fig. 2 indicate that the SERR increases when h h / 1 increases. The results shown in Fig. 3 are obtained by using solution for crack 2. The SERR increases when h h h / 2 1 increases (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 indicates also that the SERR decreases when h h / 1 increases (this can be explained by the decrease of the difference between the stiffness of parts, 2 3 S S and 3 4 S S , of the beam which are located behind 0.020 b m, 0.2 L , 1.4 n and
and ahead of the tip of crack 2, respectively). The normalized SERR is plotted against
h h h h / 3 2 1 ratio in Fig. 4 at three
h h h / 2 1 ratios by h h h h / 3 2 1 ratio.
applying solution for crack 3. It can be observed that the SERR increases with increasing of
The SERR decreases with increase of
h h h / 2 1 (Fig. 4).
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