Issue 51

D. Vasconcelos et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 51 (2020) 24-44; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.51.03

Transient analysis at wind speeds of 11.4 m s -1 As early described, the springs formulation is used for the evaluation of the global model, whereas the displacements formulation is used for the examination of the BC member. Fig. 24 shows the global model results and Fig. 25 shows the BC’s. Both figures display the results of the respective models at the time of highest stresses verified during the 600 seconds evaluation.

Figure 24: Global model analysis with springs formulation. Units in Pascal.

Figure 25 : BC analysis with the displacements formulation. Units in Pascal.

The global model reveals that structural reinforcements allowed achieving a minimum safety coefficient of 3.22, with a maximum stress of 109 MPa. The BC examination reveals a maximum stress of 209 MPa. Although it establishes a safety coefficient of 1.67, thus being above the desired coefficient, the presence of singularities may be reducing the safety coefficient. Future examinations should consider these locations carefully. For the sake of comparison, some points were chosen from the springs formulation to be compared with the analysis of the original foundation with the same formulation, at 11.4 m s -1 . Fig. 26 shows the location of these points. Tab. 7 shows the values of stress at these locations, as well as the magnitude at the same point for the original foundation.




Figure 26 : Points of interest of the springs formulation analysis.


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