PSI - Issue 50

R.S. Akhmetkhanov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 6–10 R.S.Akhmetkhanov / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



( )    i T l

/ T m

; j=1,…,m,



where m - is the number of pixels in i - th skeleton line. Given the sum of average temperatures of n skeleton lines K T , we obtain the values of weight coefficients p i for each considered skeleton line with maximum values of average temperatures


( ) i K T l    ; i=1,…,n; ( ( )) / i i T p T l K   ; 1=  p i . T i

In total, these weighting factors will be equal to 1.0. Changes in the redistribution of plastic strains will also lead to changes in these weighting coefficients. The maximum coefficient allows us to determine where the initial stage of fracture will occur, and along which of the skeletal lines. And the configuration of these considered skeleton lines with maximum average temperatures will characterize the possible type of fracture. In our case, the specimen fracture occurred along the stress concentrators (holes) and along the skeleton line pos. 1 and pos. 3 (fig. 4b), which were directed at angles close to the value of 45 o in relation to the direction of the tensile load. 5. Conclusion Thus, the presence of thermoelastic and thermoplastic effects allows us to control structures during operation. And the control of temperature changes in different areas of the studied structural elements allows us to determine the zones with the maximum local plastic deformations and the lines of plastic deformations sliding, along which the destruction of the structure will develop in the future. References Plokhoe A.V., Popslyukh L.I., Plotnikova II.V., 2017. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Materials. Part 1. Novosibirsk, p.p. 445 р. Nesteruk D.A., Vavilov V.P., 2007. Thermal control and diagnostics. Textbook for training specialists I, II, III level. Tomsk, p.p. 104. Moiseichik A.E., Moiseichik E.A., 2014. Fundamentals of thermal control of load-bearing structures using deformation heat generation, Non destructive Testing and Diagnostics, No. 3, 3-19 Kovalenko A.D. 1970, Fundamentals of thermoelasticity. Kiev, Naukova Duma Publishing House, 305 р.

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