PSI - Issue 50
I.G. Emel’yanov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 57–64 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
59 3
When determining the stress state of the shell, we will use the classical theory of shells based on the Kirchhoff – Love hypotheses, Grigorenko and Vasilenko (1981). The stress-strain state of an arbitrarily loaded shell of revolution is described by a system of eight partial differential equations, Grigorenko and Vasilenko (1981),
m Y
s Y
, ,
) ( 0 s s s L
Am s
m f s
with boundary conditions
1 0 1 BY s b , 2 . 2 B Y s L b s r z r z Y N N S M u u , , , , , ˆ , ,
s ,
where N r , N z are the radial and axial forces; u r , u z are similar displacements; ŝ is the shear force; M s is the meridional bending moment; ν is the circumferential displacement; ϑ s is the rotation angle of the normal. The elements of the matrix A m depend on the geometric and mechanical characteristics of the shell. f̄ is a vector whose components depend on the loads applied to the shell. B i - given matrices and b̄ i given vectors. Since a pulsating pressure acts on the shell, the resolving system of equations should be supplemented with dynamic terms, Vasilenko and Emelyanov (1995), Vasilenko and Emelyanov (2002),
m N
s N
t N
(, ,),
f s t
m M
where the elements of the matrices M and B are determined by the inertial and damping properties of the shell. The oscillatory process can be represented by a combination of the simplest oscillations. We will consider the loading of the shell by surface loads of the form , 2 cos 0 1 sin t p p p t p where p 0 – statistical component, ω – angular frequency, t – time. Also, the shell is subjected to bending from a vertical static force P ex . In accordance with the approach for solving static one-dimensional contact problems, Emelyanov (2009), the canonical system of equations that determines the dynamic contact pressure between the shell and the circular base (for p 2 =0) will have the form, Vasilenko and Emelyanov (1995), Vasilenko and Emelyanov (2002), 2 1 2 2 0 1 sin 1 cos 1 1 N i Eh p p t R i X i DX Z N i Eh p p t R Ni X i DX N Z N 1 2 2 2 0 1 sin cos (1)
вн i X i P
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