PSI - Issue 50
N.F. Morozov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 192–199 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000
2. Materials and methods 2.1. Nickel plating technique of the dispersed reinforcing phase of DRP (carbon nanotubes, carbide nanoparticles) for the introduction of DRP into an Al matrix A suspension of catalyzed DRP (pretreated with SnCl 2 and PdCl 2 solutions) is added to the NiCl 2 solution at 80° C with constant stirring. After obtaining a homogeneous suspension, the selected NaH 2 PO 2 · H 2 O suspension is added (up to a concentration of 18 g/l in the final solution). After 30 minutes of mixing, the resulting solution is centrifuged, the DRP precipitate is separated, washed with water and centrifuged. The resulting precipitate of nickel-plated DRP is dried in a drying cabinet for 1-2 h at a temperature of 105 ° C. 2.2. The method of manufacturing volumetric samples of aluminum matrix composites containing a dispersed reinforcing phase (DRP) Aluminum particles ASP-50 were mixed with DRP (CNT) in the ratio Al:CNT - 99.9:0.1; 99.0:1; 97.0:3; 95.0:5 using a planetary ball mill PM 100 CM. The attachment was placed in a collapsible mold for the MEGA PR S15 press and a load of 12 tons was applied for 15 minutes. The compressed billet was placed in a quartz reactor, which was placed in a tubular furnace. Sintering was carried out at 600 ° C, for 1 h in a hydrogen atmosphere. The sintered billet was pressed using a pneumatic hydraulic press SOROKIN 7.75 under a load of 50 tons for 30 min. The workpiece extracted from the mold was placed in a quar tz reactor and sintered at 600° C for 1 h in a hydrogen atmosphere. 2.3. Mechanical tests The test blades were manufactured on the ART 123 PRO electroerosion machine of LLC NPK "Delta-Test". The blade for mechanical testing is a flat double-sided blade with a thickness of not more than 1.8 mm with a working part width of 2 mm, a long working part of 5 mm. The width of the sample heads is 6 mm, the height of the working part of the head providing grip with the clamps of the testing machine is 2 mm. The finished blades were transferred to the test machine AG-50kNXD (Shimadzu). The blades were attached to specially manufactured equipment for testing small samples, and then loaded uniaxially until the blades of the studied sample of metal matrix material were completely destroyed. 3. Materials and methods 3.1. Obtaining a composite metal material from a dispersionally reinforced CNT phase At the stage of preparation of CNTs for their introduction into the Al matrix, their Ni plating was carried out. Microphotographs show the size of Al powder particles of 50 microns, the size of CNT particles after Ni plating does not exceed 5 microns in length (Fig. 1). Ni-coated CNT samples were analyzed by X-ray phase analysis (Fig. 2). Peaks characteristic of CNT and Ni were detected in the XRD patterns of non-calcined samples. The absence of distinct Ni peak can be explained by the amorphous state of the material obtained immediately after synthesis
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