PSI - Issue 50
Diana D. Popova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 236–250 Popova, Popov, Samoylenko / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000
Fig. 5. Pressure diagram in the landings of stator parts.
According to the results of calculating the displacements of the disks and the stator, it can be seen that the greatest TC unevenness is achieved in the take-off mode, however, it is short-term and occurs at different time points, as a result of which the TC unevenness at each moment of the take-off mode is different. Proceeding from this, the assessment of the influence of the TC non-uniformity on the gas flow in the RB end face region will be carried out only in the cruising mode. According to Figures 2 and 4, it is noticeable that the TC non-uniformity is greater for the first stage, therefore, the simulation of the gas flow in the RB peripheral region with the TC real shape will be carried out for the first stage of the HPT in cruising mode. 5. Rotor blade (RB) displacement RB displacements at several points along the butt perimeter were obtained by SSS analyzing in an elastic setting for the cruising flight mode. As boundary conditions, the fields of static pressure and temperature, taken from the heat-conjugated gas-dynamic calculation, as well as the centrifugal force caused by the RB rotation, were used. The blade is fixed in accordance with the power circuit of the turbine rotor: limitation of movements in the axial, circumferential and radial directions. Figure 6 shows the results of end surface displacements calculating in the radial direction.
Fig. 6. Rotor blade end surface displacement in the radial direction.
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