PSI - Issue 50

Diana D. Popova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 236–250 Popova, Popov, Samoylenko/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000



disk affect its SSS (Salnikov A.V. 2019). The SSS calculation was carried out taking into account gaps and interferences in fits, tightenings in bolted connections and taking into account contour loads from blades (Inozemtcev A.A., Nihamkin M.A., & Sandratckij V.L. 2008) in commercial computing software. Figure 2 shows the displacement of the front point of the disk rim relative to the back (relative value Δ1/Δ5) for stages 1 and 2. It can be seen from the figure that in the take-off mode, a significant unevenness is achieved in the displacement of points on the rim of the disk, which is associated with different dynamics of heating of disks individual areas, as well as the influence of their fastening and the impact of the parts fixed on the disks. However, by the end of the takeoff mode, this unevenness is reduced to zero, which is due to the heating of the most inert disk in terms of heat transfer and the decrease in the conjugate parts influence (deflector, intermediate disk), which warm up much faster. In cruising mode, the 1 and 2 stage disks rim points displacement are almost the same, and relatively uniform displacements are also observed in continuous modes, such as climb and descent. The maximum steady-state non uniformity is observed for the first stage in cruising mode. In the takeoff mode, there is no steady value of uneven displacements, since it is preceded by a transitional mode, and the takeoff mode itself is not long.




Popova, Popov, Samoylenko / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000

Fig. 2. The disk rim extreme points displacements: (a) the first stage; (b) the second stage.

The disk rim rear part displacements is greater due to the pressure from the intermediate disc (figure 3). High pressure in the fit with the intermediate disk is formed due to its heating by leakage behind the first working blade, due to this factor; the displacement of the back point of the disk rim is more in all operating modes.

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