PSI - Issue 50
Svetlana Barannikova et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 33–39 S. Barannikova, M. Nadezhkin, P. Iskhakova / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000 – 000
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Fig. 2. Damage parameter D v as a function of relative deformation / f of Fe-18 % Cr -10 % Ni alloy at different temperatures: 1 – 297 K, 2 – 270 K, 3 – 254 K; 4 - 227 K; 5 – 211 K, 6 – 180 K
The detected change in the ultrasound velocity with an increase in the overall deformation correlates with the results earlier obtained on various steels as well as titanium and aluminum alloys exposed to loaded at room temperature (Barannikova et al (2016), Lunev et al. (2018)). The attenuation of ultrasound is influenced by various microstructural components during phase transformations. Variations in the attenuation of ultrasound were observed during heating and cooling of steels (Papadakis (1970)), which were associated with changing grain size of ferrite and austenite in the temperature range of phase transformation (between Ac 1 and Ac 3 ) (Palanichamy et al . (1995) ). In particular, it has been shown that the martensitic structure is the most attenuated microstructural phase, whereas the ferrite-pearlite structure is the least attenuated (Hsu et al. (2004)). A similar trend in the kinetics of phase transformation was found in the attenuation coefficient of ultrasound, which increased in order of martensite, bainite, perlite, and related phases (ferrite and cementite) (Vasudevan et al. (2002)). Meanwhile, these studies were performed on the nondeformed samples.
Fig. 3. (1) Stress as a function of relative deformation / f ; (2) damage parameter D v vs. relative stress ( σ / σ B ); (3) damage parameter D v vs. relative deformation / f of Fe-18 % Cr -10 % Ni alloy at T = 180 K
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