PSI - Issue 50

A.A. Ushkanov et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 294–298



A.A. Ushkanov, A.A. Okhlopkova, A.P. Ammosova / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2022) 000 – 000

Fig. 1. Micrographs of friction surfaces of PCM based on PTFE, containing wt % (x150): PTFE; (b) 0.1 BF; (c) 0.5 BF; (d) 2 BF; (e) 0.1 CF; (f) 0.5 CF; (g) 2 CF

To better elucidate the effect of fibers in the polymer – filler interfacial boundary on the properties of PCM, the supramolecular structure of the composite was studied in more detail. As is known, one of the factors for increasing the wear resistance of PTFE with the addition of almost any type of filler is the transformation of the polymer matrix from ribbon to spherulite.

Fig. 2. Supramolecular structure of PCM based on PTFE containing wt % (x150): PTFE; (b) 0.1 BF; (c) 0.5 BF; (d) 2 BF; (e) 0.1 CF; (f) 0.5 CF; (g) 2 CF

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