PSI - Issue 50

V.P. Gulyaev et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 50 (2023) 100–104 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2019) 000 – 000



macroscopic state of the BCC and FCC structure of a solid solution, regardless of the duration of static loading as explained by Bokuchava et al (2014), Botvina (2008), Klevtsov et al (2006), Dmitriev et al (2016). It should be noted that the results are consistent with the currently developed theoretical concepts on the excitation of spatially localized oscillating modes - discrete breathers, by distortions of the crystal lattice as noted by Dmitriev at al (2016). Thus, the influence of small elastic deformations of the crystal lattice on the change in phonon spectra and discrete breathers is associated with the rearrangement of the nonequilibrium crystals substructure. The effect of external mechanical action on substructure changes in the surface layers of the material was also established by X-ray and neutron diffractometry methods as stated by Klevtsov et al (2006), Zhu and Li (2010), Ershov et al (2015), Grinberg et al (2016). Klevtsov et al (2006) revealed there is close relationship between the broadening of diffraction maxima from crystallographic planes of the first and second orders (110, 200, 211, 220, 222) revealed by neutron diffraction of the test sample by microhardness measurement method of the martensite decomposition of quenching 40 Х steel during aging. 5. Conclusion The use of X-ray diffractometry of complex polycrystalline metallic materials with BCC and FCC lattices has sufficient resolution to detect changes in the fine structure in the samples elastically stressed state. The diffraction line profile (FWHM) broadening characterizes the effect of the elastically stressed state on the crystal lattice reaction processes in the surface layers of steel 08ps, aluminum AD1, and copper M1 samples. An experimental study of the influence of the duration of small elastic stresses action shows that the periodic annual temperature fluctuation from - 50°С to + 37°С is not reflected by a significant change in the characteristics of the diffraction lines profile of materials with BCC and FCC lattices. On the contrary, low climatic temperatures contribute to the elimination of individual instrumental errors due to the experiment design conditions. References Arabey, A.B., 2010. Development of technical requirements for metal pipes of main gas pipelines. Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Ferrous Metallurgy 7, 3-10 (in Russian). Bokuchava, G.D., Papushkin, I.V., Sumin, V.V., Balagurov, A.M., Sheptjakov, D.V., 2014. Study of microdeformation in dispersion-hardened steels. Physics of the Solid State 56, (1), 165-169 (in Russian). Botvina, L.R, 2008. Destruction: kinetics, mechanisms, general patterns. Nauka, Moscow, pp.334 (in Russian). Dmitriev, S.V., Korznikova, E.A., Baimova, Yu.A., Velarde, M.G., 2016. Discrete Breathers in Crystals. Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk 186, 471 488. (in Russian). Ershov, P.A., Kuznetsov, S.M., Snigireva, I.I., Junkin, V.A., Gojhman, A.Yu, Snigirev, A.A., 2015. High-resolution X-ray diffractometry using 1D and 2D refractive lenses. Journal of surface investigation: X-Ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques 6, 55-59 (in Russian). Grinberg, E.M., Alekseev, A.A., Sheverev, S.G., 2016. Changes in the fine structure at low-temperature martensite decomposition in the hardened medium-carbon steel. Voprosy materialovedenija 86, 20-25 (in Russian). Klevtsov, G.V., Klevtsova, N.A., Frolova, O.A., 2006. Kinetics of martensitic transformations in austenitic steel under cyclic loading. Basic Research 5, 45 (in Russian). Korchevsky, V.V., 2004. Application of mathematical modeling in processing of the results of X-ray diffraction studies. Researched in Russia 7, 2612 -2618. (in Russian). Kostyuchenko, S.L., 2017. Strategy for the development of Russian Arctic mineral resources. Mineral recourses of Russia. Economics and management 1, 3-12 (in Russian). Kotelkin, A.V., Roberov, I.G., Matveev, D.B., Lednev, I.S., 2016. Determination of the residual life and methods for increasing the level of safety in the operation of structural materials in aviation. Modern materials, equipment and technologies 1 (4), 104-113 (in Russian). Tashkinov, A.A., Shavshukov, V.E., 2018. Inhomogeneities of strain fields in grains of polycrystalline materials and the Eshelby problem. PNRPU mechanics bulletin 1, 58-72. Doi: 10.15593/perm.mech/2018.1.05. (in Russian). Vorobyov, Yu.L., Akimov, V.A., Sokolov, Yu.I., 2012. Systemic accidents and catastrophes in the technosphere of Russia. Vniigochs, Moscow, pp. 308 (in Russian). Zhu, T., Li, J., 2010. Prog. Mater. Sci. 55, 710.

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