Issue 50
I. G. F. Silva et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 50 (2019) 46-53; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.50.06
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Young’s modulus Yield strength Tensile strength
σ 0 σ u ε 0
Strain for σ 0
Strain hardening coefficient (parameter of Ramberg-Osgood’s law) Strain hardening exponent (parameter of Ramberg-Osgood’s law) J-Integral associated with the beginning of crack growth
α n
J IC C m L Q
Constant of the J-R curve Exponent of the J-R curve Applied J-Integral for Case 1 Applied J-Integral for Case 2 Critical crack size for Case 3 Critical crack size for Case 4 Safety margin for Case 1 Safety margin for Case 2 Safety margin for Case 3 Safety margin for Case 4 Leakage crack size Critical crack size (limit load analysis)
J 1 J 2
L cr
L cr3 L cr4 M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4
M M 0 Fb H 1
Applied moment
Reference moment calculated according to ref. [16] Correction factor calculated according to ref. [16] Influence function calculated according to ref. [16]
Pipe mean radius Pipe wall thickness Crack half-angle
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