Issue 50

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 50 (2019); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture

• Co-organization of the “1st Virtual Conference on Structural Integrity” under the auspices of ESIS, in collaboration with the sister associations “Italian Group of Fracture”, “Portuguese Structural Integrity Society” and “(Serbian) Society for Structural Integrity and Life - DIVK” (Winter 2019-2020). • Co-organization with the sister association “Italian Group of Fracture” of the “1st Greek-Italian Symposium on Structural Integrity”, in Athens (Spring 2020). • Organization of the “2nd International Conference of the GSEMM” (Autumn 2020). Special thanks must be given to the reviewers of the manuscripts submitted during all publishing activities of our Society. Moreover, we would like to thank all the members of the Interim Board of the Society who drove the society during its fist unstable steps. Especially, words of thanks go to the Secretary of the Interim Board Dr Ermioni Pasiou for the time she spent editing the manuscripts. In addition, we thank all the members of the Society and all the participants of the 1st conference of our society. Their enthusiastic support was the cornerstone on which the success was built and at the same time it is the valuable asset that guarantees the future of our Society. Finally, on behalf of the Board of Directors of GSEMM, we would like to sincerely thank the ex-President of ESIS Leslie Bank-Sills, for encouraging the enrollment of GSEMM as a full member of ESIS. Also, we would like to express our deep gratitude to the President of the “Italian Group of Fracture” and running president of ESIS, Professor Francesco Iacoviello, for his enthusiastic and continuous support to all the actions of our Society. The editors Stavros K. Kourkoulis Laboratory for Testing and Materials, Department of Mechanics, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Dimos Triantis Electronic Devices and Materials Laboratory, University of West Attica, Greece


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