Issue 50
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 50 (2019); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture
Dear friends, We have many news for our authors and our readers.
First of all, due to the high number of submissions, it was necessary to deeply transform the organization of the Journal. We cancelled the board of Associate Editors. In these years, the members of this board did a great work, continuously suggesting new ideas to further improve the journal and we are deeply grateful to Alfredo Navarro, Thierry Palin Luc, Luca Susmel and John Yates for their service for FIS. Now we created some sections and, for the next submissions, all the authors will be asked to choose a section during the submission process. We activated a “Section Editor panel” that will actively help the Editor in Chief and we wish to welcome the Section Editors, Marco Boniardi, Nicola Bonora, Milos Djukic, Stavros Kourkoulis, Liviu Marsavina, Pedro Moreira: we are sure that their contribution will help the journal to achieve new and better results. In addition, we wish to welcome the new Co-Editor in Chief, Filippo Berto: his experience in editorial processing and managing will let great improvements. Among the new services, we can remember: - The activation of the “Categories”: all the published papers are now categorized with one category at least and, selecting one of the categories available under the section “Browse” in the journal website, all the readers will be able to find immediately the papers focused on the selected category; - Visual Abstracts: all the visual abstracts are both linked to the corresponding papers and are also available in the dedicated YouTube channel. Now, in the YouTube channel, each Visual Abstract will be linked to the paper with the keywords as Tags, improving in this way the visibility both of Visual Abstracts and papers. Considering that FIS is characterized by many innovative features, we decided to activate a new page of the website where all these features are collected: Please do not hesitate to send us your suggestions. Very best,
Francesco Iacoviello Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale Editor in Chief
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