Issue 50

Editorial Team8
Sister Associations11
O. Plekhov, A. Vshivkov - The effect of fatigue crack rate on the heat dissipation in metals under mixed-mode loading17
M.F. Borges, F.V. Antunes, P. Prates, R. Branco, M.C. Oliveira - Effect of yield stress on fatigue crack growth25
Z.-y. Han, X.-g. Huang - Stress corrosion behavior of X80 pipeline steel in the natural seawater with different dissolved oxygen contents36
G. Khandouzi, M. Mollashahi, M. Moosakhani - Numerical simulation of crack propagation behavior of a semi-cylindrical specimen under dynamic loading45
M. Eremin, A. Kulkov, I. Smolin, V. Mikushina - Investigation of Failure Mechanism of Al2O3 Specimens Subjected to Three-Point Bending Test54
I. G. F. da Silva, A. H. P. de Andrade, W. A. Monteiro - Leak-Before-Break methodology applied to different piping materials: a performance evaluation62
N. Boychenko, I. Ishtyryakov - Characterization of the stress-strain state in a gas turbine engine compressor disc taking into account damage accumulation70
M. Baghdadi, B. Serier, M. Salem, B. Zaoui, K. Kaddouri - Modeling of a cracked and repaired Al 2024T3 aircraft plate: effect of the composite patch shape on the repair performance.84
A. Sarkar, A. Nagesha, R. Sandhya, M. Okazaki - Crack growth based life prediction approach under LCF-HCF interaction102
R. Boutelidja, A. Guedri, M. A. Belyamna, B. Merzoug - Environmental effects on the reliability of an AISI 304 structure114
B. Benamar, M. Mokhtari, K. Madani, H. Banzaama - Using a cohesive zone modeling to predict the compressive and tensile behavior on the failure load of single lap bonded joint128
O. Mouhat, A. Bybi, A. El Bouhmidi, M. Rougui - Effects of ply orientation on nonlinear buckling of aircraft composite stiffened panel142
A. Tijani, M. Meknassi, H., Chaffoui, M. Elghorba - Corrosion’s impact on wire rope strand response - Comparison with a theoretical predictive model157
M. Ameri, M. Nemati, H. Shaker, F. Jafari - Experimental and numerical investigation of the properties of the Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete with basalt and glass fiber165
J. Papuga, M. Nesládek, J. Kuželka, J. Jurenka - Differences in the response to in-phase and out-of-phase multiaxial high-cycle fatigue loading179
A. Benzaama, M. Mokhtari, H. Benzaama, E. Abdelouahed, T. Tamine, K. Madani, A. Slamen, M. Ilies - Using XFEM Techniques to Predict the Damage of aluminum 2024T3 notched under tensile load200
M. Godio, K. Beyer - Quantifying the out-of-plane response of unreinforced masonry walls subjected to relative support motion210
B. Badarloo, F. Jafari - Finite Element Analysis and ANFIS investigation of seismic behavior of sandwich panels with different concrete material in two story steel building225
A. Salmi, M. Elajrami, M. E. A. Slimani - Crack growth study under thermo-mechanical loads: parametric analysis for 2024 T3 aluminum alloy247
P. Livieri, F. Segala- Stress intensity factor for small embedded cracks in weldments258
L. Romanin, P. Ferro, A. Fabrizi, F. Berto - A metallurgical and thermal analysis of Inconel 625 electron-beam welded joints267
C. C. Silva, R. B. Caldas, R. H. Fakury, H. Carvalho, J. V. F. Dias - Web rotational stiffness of continuous steel-concrete composite castellated beams280
K. Meftah, L. Sedira - A nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis of Reissner-Mindlin plates by finite element method292
H. Saidi, M. Sahla - Vibration analysis of functionally graded plates with porosity composed of a mixture of Aluminum (Al) and Alumina (Al2O3) embedded in an elastic medium302
P. Qiu - Experimental research on fracture behavior of concrete after high temperature316
V. Iasnii, P. Yasniy, D. Baran, A. Rudawska - The effect of temperature on low-cycle fatigue of shape memory alloy326
K. Singh, C. Robertson, A.K. Bhaduri - Brittle fracture model parameter estimation for irradiated BCC material through dislocation based crystal plasticity model335
F. Larbi Chaht, M. Mokhtari, H. Benzaama - Using a Hashin Criteria to predict the Damage of composite notched plate under traction and torsion behavior347
N. D. Alexopoulos, N. Siskou, C.-M. Charalampidou, S. K. Kourkoulis - Simulation of the corrosion-induced damage on aluminum alloy 2024 specimens with equivalent surface notches358
G. Belokas - Probabilistic geotechnical engineering analysis based on first order reliability method370
I. Dakanali, A. Marinelli - Tension - torsion fatigue tests on the proton exchange membrane Nafion 115 (Perfluorosulfonic acid)386
S. Gavela, N. Nikoloutsopoulos, G. Papadakos, D. Passa, A. Sotiropoulou - Experimental uncertainty budget for concrete compressive strength test based on a multifactorial analysis399
K. Kaklis, Z. Agioutantis, S. Mavrigiannakis, P. Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki - A simplified damage evolution relationship and deformation characteristics of a pozzolanic lime mortar when subjected to unloading-reloading cycles in the pre-peak region411
N. Chatzidai, D. Karalekas - Experimental and numerical study on the influence of critical 3D printing processing parameters423
V. N. Kytopoulos, E. Sideridis, J. Venetis, C. Riga, A. Altzoumailis - A SEM-X-Ray assisted experimental approach for the determination of mechanical and thermal load – induced damage in MMCs430
A. G. Lekatou, S. Tsouli, C. Nikolaidis, S. Kleftakis, I. K. Tragazikis, T. E. Matikas - Effect of fly ash on the corrosion performance and structural integrity of stainless steel concrete rebars in acid rain and saline environments439
A. Marinelli, M. R. Stewart - Comparative experimental study of the mechanical and fracture properties of Portland limestone and Corsehill sandstone454
C. F. Markides - Double initial and caustic curves in diametrically compressed transparent discs - Application to the contact length467
N. Martini, V. Koukou, G. Fountos, I. Valais, I. Kandarakis, C. Michail, A. Bakas, E. Lavdas, K. Ninos, G. Oikonomou, L. Gogou, G. Panayiotakis - Imaging performance of a CaWO4/CMOS sensor487
A. Kakaliagos, N. Ninis - Damage and failure of Orban’s gun during the bombardment of Constantinople walls in 1453497
I. Papantoniou , H. P. Kyriakopoulou, D. I. Pantelis, D. E. Manolakos - Metal foaming by powder metallurgy process: investigation of different parameters on the foaming efficiency513
V. Saltas, D. Peraki , F. Vallianatos - The use of acoustic emissions technique in the monitoring of fracturing in concrete using soundless chemical demolition agent521
G. V. Seretis, A. K. Polyzou, D. E. Manolakos, C. G. Provatidis - Multi-parameter analysis of curing cycle for GNPs/glass fabric/ epoxy laminated nanocomposites533
M. Papachristoforou, V. Mitsopoulos, M. Stefanidou - Use of by-products for partial replacement of 3D printed concrete constituents; rheology, strength and shrinkage performance542
D. Triantis, S. K. Kourkoulis - Fracture precursor phenomena in marble specimens under uniaxial compression by means of Acoustic Emission data553
C. Apostolopoulos, A. Drakakaki, A. Apostolopoulos, K. Koulouris - Comparison of the mechanical response of B400c and B450c dual phase steel bar categories, in long terms564
E. D. Pasiou - Restoring stone monuments: Enlightening critical details by the combined use of innovative sensing techniques576
I. Stavrakas, S. K. Kourkoulis, D. Triantis - Damage evolution in marble under uniaxial compression monitored by Pressure Stimulated Currents and Acoustic Emissions589
N. Fountas, A. Koutsomichalis, J. D. Kechagias, N.M. Vaxevanidis - Multi-response optimization of CuZn39Pb3 brass alloy turning by implementing Grey Wolf algorithm600
S. M. A. Khiat, R. Zenasni, M. Hamdi - Effect of environmental conditions on the resistance of damaged composite materials611
M.R.M. Aliha, H. Ghazi, F. Ataei - Experimental fracture resistance study for cracked bovine femur bone samples618
P. Livieri, F. Segala - Stress intensity factor for small embedded cracks in weldments629
M. Belhamiani, D. E. Belhadri, W. Oudad, O. Mansouri, W. N. Bouzitouna - J integral computation and limit load analysis of bonded composite repair in cracked pipes under pressure639
Q. Hu, Z. Shou, J. Zeng, L. He , H. Tang, B. Li, S. Chen, X. Lu - Comparative study on the deterioration of granite under microwave irradiation and resistance-heating treatment654
L. He, Y. Gu, Q. Hu, Y. Chen, J. Zeng - Structural failure process of schistosity rock under microwave radiation at high temperatures665
J.M. Vasco-Olmo, F.A. Díaz, F.V. Antunes, M.N. James - Experimental characterisation of fatigue crack growth based on the CTOD measured from crack tip displacement fields using DIC674
A. Kostina, O. Plekhov, S. Aizikovich -Numerical simulation of subsurface defect identification by pulsed thermography and improvement of this technique for noisy data683

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