PSI - Issue 49
S. McLennan et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 49 (2023) 51–58 Author name / Structural Integrity Procedia 00 (2023) 000–000
EVAR, while relative calcification presence has a positive correlation with the aorto-iliac structure PWS. As such calcification presence was noted to have a significant impact on both pre-operative assessment of EVAR feasibility and peri-operative stress response of the aorto-iliac structure during EVAR. Acknowledgements The research project was funded by the Natural Sciences and En- gineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) collaborative research and development grant, in partnership with Siemens Healthineers, CAE Healthcare. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. References 1. Barrett HE, Cunnane EM, Hidayat H, O’Brien JM, Moloney MA, Kavanagh EG, Walsh MT (2018) On the influence of wall calcification and intraluminal thrombus on prediction of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture Journal of vascular surgery 67:1234-1247 2. Bos D et al. (2015) Comparison of Atherosclerotic Calcification in Major Vessel Beds on the Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging 8:1-9 3. Buijs RVC, Willems TP, Tio RA, Boersma HH, Tielliu IFJ, Slart RHJA, Zeebregts CJ (2013) Calcification as a Risk Factor for Rupture of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 46:542-548 4. Cahalane RM, Barrett HE, O’Brien JM, Kavanagh EG, Moloney MA, Walsh MT (2018) Relating the mechanical properties of atherosclerotic calcification to radiographic density: A nanoindentation approach Acta Biomaterialia 80:228-236 5. Fernandez JD, Craig JM, Garrett HE, Jr., Burgar SR, Bush AJ (2009) Endovascular management of iliac rupture during endovascular aneurysm repair Journal of vascular surgery 50:1293-1299; discussion 1299-1300 doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2009.06.020 6. Fillinger MF, Marra SP, Raghavan ML, Kennedy FE (2003) Prediction of rupture risk in abdominal aortic aneurysm during observation: wall stress versus diameter Journal of vascular surgery 37:724 732 7. Fillinger MF, Raghavan ML, Marra SP, Cronenwett JL, Kennedy FE (2002) In vivo analysis of mechanical wall stress and abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture risk Journal of vascular surgery 36:589-597 8. Gallitto E et al. (2017) Impact of iliac artery anatomy on the outcome of fenestrated and branched endovascular aortic repair Journal of vascular surgery 66:1659-1667 doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2017.04.063 9. Geest JPV, Wang DH, Wisniewski SR, Makaroun MS, Vorp DA (2006) Towards a noninvasive method for determination of patient-specific wall strength distribution in abdominal aortic aneurysms Annals of biomedical engineering 34:1098-1106 10. Giannini C et al. (2019) X-ray scanning microscopies of microcalcifications in abdominal aortic and popliteal artery aneurysms IUCrJ 6:267-276 doi:doi:10.1107/S2052252519001544 11. Haller SJ, Azarbal AF, Rugonyi S (2020) Predictors of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Risks Bioengineering 7:79 12. Komen N et al. (2011) Calcium score: a new risk factor for colorectal anastomotic leakage Am J Surg 201:759-765 doi:10.1016/j.amjsurg.2010.01.033 13. Li Z-Y, Jean U, Tang TY, Soh E, See TC, Gillard JH (2008) Impact of calcification and intraluminal thrombus on the computed wall stresses of abdominal aortic aneurysm Journal of vascular surgery 47:928-935 14. Loree HM, Grodzinsky AJ, Park SY, Gibson LJ, Lee RT (1994) Static Circumferential Tangential Modulus of Human Atherosclerotic Tissue Journal of Biomechanics 27:195-204 15. Maier A, Gee M, Reeps C, Eckstein H-H, Wall W (2010) Impact of calcifications on patient-specific wall stress analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysms Biomechanics and mod- eling in mechanobiology 9:511-521 16. Manunga JM, Gloviczki P, Oderich GS, Kalra M, Duncan AA, Fleming MD, Bower TC (2013b) Femoral artery calcification as a determinant of success for percutaneous access for endovascular abdominal
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