Issue 49
L.. Malíková et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 49 (2019) 65-73; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.49.07
In order to get basic fracture mechanical properties of the alkali-activated material under study, several tests have been performed on prisms with dimensions 40 40 160 mm. Young’s modulus of 35 GPa and Poisson’s ratio of 0.23 were then applied in the numerical simulations based on the results of 3-point bending test and resonance method, respectively.
Figure 1 : Schema and geometry of the semi-circular disc loaded in bending used for the fracture analysis in this research.
a) b) Figure 2 : Experimental campaign on 40 × 40 × 160 mm cracked prisms under 3-point-bending: a) experimental setup; b) detail of the crack path through the specimen. The numerical model has been created as a two-dimensional (2D), commercial finite element software ANSYS [28] has been used. The crack deflection has been studied under the compressive force P = 1 kN considering plane strain boundary conditions. A quadrilateral element type (PLANE183) with quadratic basis functions have been used for modelling of the semi-circular disc. The FE mesh at the crack tip has been refined in order to take into account crack tip singularity. For application of the ODM, nodes at the radial distance of 4 mm have been selected and their displacements used for evaluation of the coefficients of higher-order terms. Stress components necessary for application of mentioned fracture criteria have been expressed via Williams’ expansion taking into account up to 10 initial terms of the power series. The criteria have been applied at critical distances r C of 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mm. Results obtained are presented and discussed in the following section. n the following figures, the dependences of the crack deflection angle obtained for various cracked configurations and considering various parameters are presented. Let’s summarize what parameters have been varied: Initial relative crack length, = a / R ; Crack inclination angle, ; I R ESULTS & DISCUSSION
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