Issue 49

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 49 (2019); International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture

Table of Contents

Y. Chang, L. Zheng, X. Pan, Y. Hong Further investigation on microstructure refinement of internal crack initiation region in VHCF regime of high-strength steels .……………………………………………………….... 1-11 E. Breitbarth, T. Strohmann, M. Besel, S. Reh Determination of Stress Intensity Factors and J integral based on Digital Image Correlation ….. 12-25 J. A. O. González, J. T. P. de Castro, G. L. G. Gonzáles, M. A. Meggiolaro, J. L. de França Freire Verification of the ΔK eff hypothesis along the fatigue crack path in thin and thick Al specimens 26-35 Yu. G. Matvienko Comparison of the constraint parameters in elastic-plastic fracture mechanics ………………... 36-43 G. Meneghetti, A. Campagnolo, F. Berto Averaged strain energy density estimated rapidly from the nodal stresses by FEM for cracks under mixed mode loadings including the T-stress contribution ……………………………. 53-64 L. Malíková, H. Šimonová, B. Kucharczyková, P. Miarka Multi-parameter fracture mechanics: crack path in a mixed-mode specimen ………………… 65-73 G. L. G. Gonzáles, J. A. O. González, J. T. P. de Castro, J. L. de França Freire Using DIC techniques to measure strain ranges inside the cyclic plastic zone ahead of a fatigue crack tip …………………………………………………………………………. 74-81 G. Meneghetti, M. Ricotta, G. Pitarresi On relation between J-integral and heat energy dissipation at the crack tip in stainless steel specimens ………………………………………………………………………..... 82-96 S. Seitl, P. Miarka, V. Růžička, L. Malíková, A. S. Cruces, P. Lopez-Crespo Approximation of the crack-tip field in fatigue cracks in bridge steel specimens: DIC analysis of different constraint levels …………………………………………………………..... T. Profant, J. Pokluda The ab-initio aided strain gradient elasticity theory: a new concept for fracture nanomechanics …. P. Trusov, E. Makarevich, N. Kondratev Multi-level model describing phase transformations of polycrystalline materials under thermo mechanical impacts …………………………………………………………………





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