PSI - Issue 48
Snežana Stojičić et al. / Procedia Structural Integrity 48 (2023) 104 – 112 Stojičić et al/ Structural Integrity Procedia 00 ( 2023) 000–000
6 shows one of the frameworks for risk tolerance in relation to human health and safety. Events that qualify as intolerable, unacceptable, or high risk are considered separately, and measures are proposed to mitigate the effects. Risk assessment is done iteratively with the aim of reducing the level of risk, and sometimes it is necessary to carry out several iterations until all identified risks are brought to an acceptable level. 5. Conclusion A systematic and structured approach is used to analyse the occurrence of adverse events. The analysis should include the identification of the mechanism of possible occurrence and, in the event of occurrence, the development and adverse consequences, i.e. the effects on the health and lives of people, material goods, and the environment, especially on the element of critical infrastructure, assessment of possible scenarios of the development of fire and explosive processes together with the time component, considering measures and activities for response in the event of an unwanted event, and taking into account all the effects that explosive and fire processes can lead to. The systemic approach to risk assessment and knowledge of methods for creating them are closely related to methods and procedures in forensic engineering. And the risk analysis establishes a link between the unwanted event and the resulting consequences. That is why the study of the state of risk is essential for the maintenance of a system that acts preventively on the emergence of danger. Risk assessment methods provide input parameters for forensic analysis of the event. With progress and rapid tech nological development, there is progress in the analysis and assessment of risks and, at the same time, in the development of methods for their quantification, which is also an important factor for the development of forensic engineering. Adherence to standards and the development and adaptation of standard operating procedures related to response in the event of adverse events are elements of preventive action aimed at preventing the occurrence and reducing negative effects in the event of the occurrence of adverse events characterised by explosive and fire processes. Acknowledgements We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all research and educational institution for recognition importance of forensic engeenering and contribution to the publication of this paper. References Caper, L. K., 2001. Forensic Engineering, CRC Press, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, USA, Kadri, F., Chatelet, E., Lallement, P., 2013. The Assessment of Risk Caused By Fire and Explosion in Chemical Process Industry: A Domino Effect-Based, Explosion_in_Chemical_Process_Industry-.pdf Krishnamurthy, N., 2016. Forensic civil engineering and risk management, Proceedings of the International Conference on Forensic Civil Engineering, Nagpur, India 21, 22, -%20FCE&RiskMgmt.pdf HIDOD, 2003. Fire, Explosion and Risk Assessment Topic Guidance, Hazard Installations Directorate Offshore Division, Delić, E., Softić, A., 2014. Forensic engineering and risk management book 1: basics of forensic engineering, Inda, Lukavac, BiH. Carper, K., 2001. Forensic Engineering, CRC Press, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, USA Brown, A., Singh, P.J., 2014. Forensic Risk Assessment: A Beginner's Guide, Archives of Forensic Psychology, Global Institute of Forensic Psychology, Vol. 1, No. 1, 49–59. Singh, J.P., 2012. The history, development, and testing of forensic risk assessment tools. In EL Griorenko (Ed.) Handbook of juvenile forensic psychology and psychiatry (pp. 215-225). New York, Springer Science Peterson, J. et al., 2010. The Role and Impact of Forensic Evidence in the Criminal Justice Process, US Department of Justice, USA Law on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management (LoDRRaEM) ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 87/2018) Cruz, A.M., 2003. Engineering Contribution to the Field of Emergency Management, Emergency Administration and Planning, Department of Public Administration, University of North Texas, USA, %20contribution.pdf Best Practice Manual for the Investigation of Fire Scenes, 2017. ENFSI-BPM-FEI-01, ENFSI's position on Best Practice Manuals, BPM for the Investigation of Fire Scenes A Risk Practitioners Guide to ISO 31000: 2018, 2018. Review of the 2018 version of the ISO 31000 risk management guidelines and commentary on the use of this standard by risk professionals, IRM - Institute of Risk Management, https:// -31000-2018-v3.pdf Imamović, M. et al, 2017. Basic elements of system failure analysis when calculating reliability, 10th Scientific and Expert Meeting with International Participation," QUALITY 2017", Peterson, J. et al., 2010. The Role and Impact of Forensic Evidence in the Criminal Justice Process, Report US Department of Justice
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