Cover | 1 |
TOC | 3 |
Editorial Team | 8 |
R Brighenti, A Carpinteri, F Artoni - Crack paths in soft thin sheets | 15 |
J Lewandowski, D Rozumek, Z Marciniak, G Lesiuk, R Brighenti - Fatigue crack growth in welded S355 specimens subjected to combined loading | 24 |
S Bressan, F Ogawa, T Itoh, F Berto - Low cycle fatigue behavior of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4Vunder non-proportional and proportional loading | 32 |
Y Yamazaki - Isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue interaction in fatigue crack propagation behavior of a low-carbon nitrogen-controlled 316 stainless steel | 40 |
L Malíková, S M J Razavi, F Berto - Crack propagation in a brittle DCB specimen assessed by means of the Williams’ power expansion | 48 |
A Kurek, T Łagoda - Fracture of elastic-brittle and elastic-plastic material in cantilever cyclic bending | 56 |
O Plekhov, A Vshivkov, A Iziumova, A Zakharov, V Shlyannikov - The experimental study of energy dissipation during fatigue crack propagation under biaxial loading | 64 |
M Schuscha, M Leitner, M Stoschka, S Pusterhofer, G Meneghetti - Numerical crack growth study on porosity afflicted cast steel specimens | 72 |
D Alexiane, G M D Almaraz, N J Trujillo Alonso - Granite stone subjected to ultrasonic fatigue tests under three point bending loading | 84 |
V Shlyannikov, A Tumanov - The effect of creep damage model formulation on crack path prediction | 91 |
A Zakharov, V Shlyannikov, A Tumanov - The crack path in fuselage panel under mixed mode biaxial loading | 101 |
P Bernardi, R Cerioni, D Ferretti, F Leurini, E Michelini - Experimental characterization of fiber-reinforced cementitious mortar under tension | 111 |
S Gerbe, U Krupp, W Michels - Influence of secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) on the fatigue properties of different conventional automotive aluminum cast alloys | 119 |
L Romanin, A Vinogradov, F Berto, P Ferro - A novel algorithm for crack path identification based on infrared images | 130 |
K Okuda, K Ogawa, Y Ichikawa, T Shiozaki, N Yamaguchi - Influence of microstructure on fatigue property of ultra high-strength steels | 139 |
S Henkel, C H Wolf, H Biermann, A Burgold, M Kuna - Cruciform specimens used for determination of the influence of T-stress on fatigue crack growth with overloads on aluminum alloy Al 6061 T651 | 149 |
D Yang, X Wang - Damage evolution law on the surface field of argillaceous dolomite based on Brazilian test and 3D digital image correlation | 158 |
A Metehri, M Kouider, A Lousdad - Effect of crack position and size of particle on SIF in SiC particles reinforced Al composite | 166 |
J-g Liu, X-j Zhou, W Zhao, Y-s Shen, Q-h Xiao - A new method for testing the interfacial shear properties between rock and early-aged shotcrete | 175 |
A S Bouchikhi, A Lousdad, K Yassine, N E Bouida, S Gouasmi, A Megueni - Finite Element Analysis of Interactions between two cracks in FGM notched Plate under Mechanical Loading | 188 |
M Laredj, A Miloudi, A Lousdad, B Benguediab - Prediction and optimizing residual stress profile induced by cold expansion in aluminum alloys using experimental design | 207 |
Y Khalfi, A S Bouchikhi, Y Bellebna - Mechanical stability investigation of advanced composite plates resting on elastic foundations using a new four-unknown refined theory | 222 |
V P Berardi, M Perrella, G Cricrì - Cohesive fracture in composite systems: experimental setup and first results | 236 |
O A Mocian, D M Constantinescu, Ş Sorohan, M Sandu - Low velocity failure and integrity assessment of foam core sandwich panels | 244 |
T Febra, JAM Ferreira, J D Costa, J da Silva, C Capela - Response of fabric insert injection overmolding pp based composites subjected to single and muti-impact | 256 |
S E Oliveira, JAM Ferreira, J da Silva, C Capela - Effect of machining parameters on the mechanical properties of high dosage short –carbon- fiber reinforced composites | 263 |
R Baptista, J Marques, V Infante - Algorithm for automatic fatigue crack growth simulation on welded high strength steels | 271 |
R Maciel, V Infante, D Braga, PMGP Moreira, L da Silva, T Bento - Development of hybrid friction stir welding and adhesive bonding single lap joints in aluminium alloys | 283 |
FAL Viana, RDSG Campilho, RJB Rocha, DFO Silva, RVC Araújo, JPSMB Ribeiro - Fracture modelling of adhesively-bonded joints by an inverse method | 300 |
V MG Gomes, M Rodrigues, JAFO Correia, MAV Figueiredo, AMP de Jesus, AA Fernandes - Monotonic and fracture behaviours of bolted connections with distinct bolt preloads and surface treatments | 318 |
L Reis, J Caxias, H Soares, P R Costa, V Anes, M Freitas - Damage evaluation under complex fatigue loading conditions | 332 |
JPSMB Ribeiro, RDSG Campilho, RJB Rocha, AJS Leal, FAL Viana - Validation of fracture envelopes of structural adhesives for mixed-mode strength prediction of bonded joints | 346 |
M Estrada, D L Linero, C Takeuchi - Numerical model of cracking pattern in laminated bamboo specimens under tensile and shear loads | 362 |
M Tirenifi, B O Chikh, B Bouchouicha, A Bensari - Numerical comparison of cruciform weld and butt weld simulation and a study of fracture mechanics on two types of welds | 371 |
P H Nayak, H K Srinivas, M Nagaral, V Auradi - Characterization and tensile fractography of nano ZrO2 reinforced Copper-Zinc alloy composites | 384 |
H S Patil, D C Patel, C S Patil - Characterizations of TIG welded joints of unalloyed commercially pure Titanium Gr-2 for weld process parameters | 391 |
B Chen, P Zhi, Y Li - Fatigue strength analysis of bogie frame in consideration of parameter uncertainty | 399 |
J F Barbosa, JAFO Correia, P A Montenegro, R C S Freire Júnior, G Lesiuk, A MP De Jesus, RAB Calçada - A comparison between S-N Logistic and Kohout-Věchet formulations applied to the fatigue data of old metallic bridges materials | 414 |
CACP Coelho, FVP Navalho, PNB Reis - Impact response of laminate cylindrical shells | 425 |
S Bhowmik, S Dubey, S Ray - Investigation on fracture process of concrete | 433 |
K Kimakh, A Chouaf, A Saoud, E H Mallil, S Aghzer - Experimental investigation of surface roughness effect on fatigue performance of AISI 1045 carbon steel and fatigue limit prediction | 443 |
C Santus - Initial orientation of the fretting fatigue cracks in shrink-fit connection specimens | 456 |
O Plekhov, A Vshivkov, A Iziumova B Venkatraman - A model of energy dissipation at fatigue crack tip in metals | 465 |
E Maiorana - Contribution of longitudinal stiffener rigidity and position to bridge girder integrity | 473 |
A Takahashi, A Suzuki, M Kikuchi - Fatigue crack growth simulation of two non-coplanar embedded cracks using s-version finite element method | 487 |
X-g Huang, Z-q Wang - Durability method on corrosion fatigue performance of AH 32 steel | 495 |
M Bezzerrouki, K Madani, A Sahli, S Touzain, S Mallarino - Innovative geometric design improves the resistance of simple metal / metal lap joint | 505 |
T Profant, M Hrstka, J Klusák - Microcrack interaction with circular inclusion and interfacial zone | 517 |
J Prawin, A Rama Mohan Rao - Damage localization of closing cracks using a signal decomposition technique | 527 |
R Nikhil, SA Krishnan, G Sasikala, A Moitra - Limit load based evaluation of plastic η factor for C(T) specimen with a mismatched weld | 537 |
C E Cruz Gonzalez, R Perez Mora, S D Santillan Gutierrez, J J Taha-Tijerina, B Vargas Arista, A Barba Pingarron - Fatigue strength evaluation and fracture behavior of joined dual phase steel/AA6061-T6 aluminum alloy | 544 |
S Kikuchi, Y Nakatsuka, Y Nakai, M Natakani, M O Kawabata, K Ameyama - Evaluation of fatigue properties under four-point bending and fatigue crack propagation in austenitic stainless steel with a bimodal harmonic structure | 559 |
J Christopher, C Praveen, BK Choudhary - Comparative evaluation of two physically based models for the description of stress-relaxation behaviour of 9% chromium containing steel | 568 |
J Bär, R Urbanek - Determination of dissipated Energy in Fatigue Crack Propagation Experiments with Lock-In Thermography | 577 |
H S Bedi, B K Billing, P K Agnihotri - Interfacial shear strength of carbon nanotubes based hybrid composites: effect of loading rate | 585 |
SCSP Kumar Krovvidi, S Goyal, A K Bhaduri - Low cycle fatigue and creep-fatigue response of the 316Ti stainless steel | 591 |
A Ghosh - In-plane anisotropy in deformation micro-mechanism of commercially pure titanium during monotonic tension and cyclic loading | 599 |
M K Hussain, KSRK Murthy - Evaluation of mixed mode (I/II) notch stress intensity factors of sharp V-notches using point substitution displacement technique | 613 |
A C de Oliveira Miranda, R Marques, M A Meggiolaro, J T Pinho de Castro - Stress Intensity Factor Equations for the Evolution of Surface and Corner Cracks to Through Cracks | 625 |
P Dhaka, R V Prakash - Effect of contact geometry on the contact stresses ina flat with rounded edge contact | 644 |
V Giannella, M Perrella - Multi-axial fatigue numerical crack propagations in cruciform specimens | 653 |
Y Sun, L Yan, B Chen, W Song, F Berto - Localized wrinkling of metal films on elastic and liquid substrates | 662 |
FV Antunes, R Branco, P Prates, JDM Costa - Fatigue crack growth in notched specimens: a numerical analysis | 680 |
FV Antunes, R Branco, JAM Ferreira, LP Borrego - Stress intensity factor solutions for CTS mixed mode specimen | 690 |
R S Y R C Silva, E U L Palechor, L M Bezerra, M V G de Morais, W V da Silva - Damage detection in a reinforced concrete bridge applying wavelet transform in experimental and numerical data | 707 |
M L Puppio, M Ferrini - Parametric analysis on external dissipative link system for seismic protection of low rise RC buildings | 720 |
C Bellini, F Carlino - Intermetallic phase kinetic formation and thermal crack development in galvanized DCI | 754 |
C M S Vicente, J Fernandes, L Reis, A M de Deus, MF Vaz, M Leite - Effect of protective coatings on the water absorption and mechanical properties of 3D printed PLA | 762 |
Y Shao, P Lu, B Wang, Q Xiang - Fatigue reliability assessment of small sample excavator working devices based on Bootstrap method | 771 |
A Fesenko, N Vaysfel’d - An uncoupled thermoelasticity problem for a semi-infinite layer with regard to its proper weight | 782 |